Lonely Grimm - (Salem X Grimm Male Reader)

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Salem Fanart By: jay156 On DeviantArt

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: July 2, 2021


5 Years...

For five years now I've been alone, with no family or friends, forced to live on my own in an abandoned wreck of a house.

Today was the same as always, with me starting my usual routine in the morning by going out in the wild and looking for some animals to hunt. Living in the middle of nowhere at least had the advantage that you didn't have to go very far to find areas with animals, 

The Grimm wasn't a problem for me thankfully, the reason why though is something I'm not thankful for...

I'm partially Grimm, making me look like one and making anyone terrified of me once they see me. I was a researcher and was doing an experiment with my colleagues, however, something went wrong and now I'm like this...

Those bastards didn't treat me the same after that, gone was any friendliness. I couldn't go out into the public after that anyways, not that they would've let me as I knew about the reason why they were doing this research, Ironwood told us about Salem, the real threat to Remnant.

I just ran away after that, not willing to entertain their idea of me spending the rest of my life locked away and potentially even being experimented on myself.

I stop in my tracks when I hear some rustling behind me, I glance around me but couldn't see anything weird. I start to slowly trek over to where I heard the noise, it was probably just a bunny or something. I get my bat out, ready to get my meal for today. I move the bush out of the way only to look into a pair of red eyes, a green-haired woman was huddled down behind the bush.

Y/N: "Wha-"

Before I was done talking she was suddenly gone in the blink of an eye, confused I look around as I could hear something against the trees above me. I turn around when I hear something drop behind me, the green-haired woman had dropped down from a tree and now stood behind a silver-haired man and a black-haired woman.

They were just looking at me, the same kind of shocked expression that everyone gave me. I step closer about to ask them why they were here when they just ran off, I just shake my head and carry on with my hunting.


The rest of the day went on pretty normally, I found an animal, killed and cooked it at home. I spend multiple hours just doing nothing but being lonely, now I'm on my way home after having killed another animal for dinner. As I was walking around I started to hear someone calling out for someone, it sounded like a woman.

Carefully I walk in the direction of the voice, when I finally spot them I hide behind a tree. It was a blonde woman with blue eyes, wearing a beige dress. She was just calling out hellos, not apparently looking for anyone specific.

Y/N: "Hello? ma'am?" I ask out hesitantly as I step out from behind the tree.

???: "Oh it's you" She says excitedly.

Y/N: "What do you mean it's me?" I reply as I take a step back hesitantly.

???: "Oh I'm here after my friends told me someone was living around here, I thought that must be pretty lonely so I came to meet you"

Y/N: "Wait you mean those three that looked at me weirdly before running off? not that I can blame them..." I mutter the last part to myself.

???: "Those are my friends, they can be a bit weird sometimes." She says with a chuckle.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now