An Evening In Your Arms - (Raven X Mercenary Male Reader)

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Raven Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: Anonymous

Published On: July 20, 2021


Y/N steps into the bedroom after a long and tiring day, his body hurt all over and his mind was fried. He stopped in his track when he saw the scene before him, there was his wife Raven lying on the bed wearing a maid outfit.

Raven: "Hey there darling~" She says before licking her lips.

Y/N: "...OH MY FUCK!! YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!!" He shouts.

Before Raven could even utter a response Y/N had launched himself at her and was cuddled up to her tightly, she just looked at him perplexed, not expecting this response.

Raven: "W-Wait wha-How was your day?" She asks, giving up on trying to find an answer for his unexpected reaction.

Y/N: "It was awful, I completed two elimination contracts but both of them were a pain in the ass to do." He explains as he cuddles himself even more tightly up to her chest.

Raven: "And yet you still completed them, why? cus you're the best of the best" She says making him chuckle.

Y/N: "Could you tell me another story please?" He asks tiredly

Raven looked annoyed for a second, she didn't want to tell a story, she wanted to get to the part of the evening where they both rocked the bed.

Raven: "...Alright, which one want do you want to hear?"

Y/N: "Surprise me"

Raven: "Once upon a time, there was a woman who was unsure on what path to take in life"

Y/N: "Oh! my favorite one!" He says as he lifts his head to look at her and kiss her before lowering it again.

Raven: "One day, on her way to work, the woman stumbles upon an injured man. She takes the man in and promises to help him back to health, the man originally refused as he didn't want to be a bother, but the woman insisted upon it."

Raven didn't know how this came to be a thing, but ever since a few months into the relationship she would tell Y/N a story before they both went to sleep, it happens almost every night. Y/N's favorite of all the stories she has told so far is a version of how they originally met, just with a few extra fantasy elements added here and there for some extra spice.

Raven: "And so the woman bought a ring ready to come home to her boyfri-"

Raven stopped when she saw that Y/N had already fallen asleep on her, his E/C eyes shut as his face was buried in her chest.

Seeing him like this, all sleepy and clingy, Raven couldn't help but smile at her cute boyfriend. She takes the blankets and pulls them over the both of them, completely ignoring the fact that Y/N was still dressed and that she still had her maid outfit on.

Raven: "Goodnight dear" She whispered as she gave him a kiss on the head.

She really did count herself luckily for having someone like Y/N in her life, with him no day in her life passed without at least one smile. She would do anything for him, just like he would do anything for her.

Together they couldn't be happier...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Anonymous

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