The New Squad - (Team RWBY X Criminal Overlord Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: Dishwasher1910 On Reddit

Requested By: ShaneEe358

Published On: October 19, 2020


Blake: "Is this really it?" She asked looking around like a Grimm was going to jump out at us at any moment from any of the corners.

Weiss: "Of course it is, you doubting my abilities?" She asked annoyed as she crossed her arms.

Blake: "It's just very sketchy you know?"

Weiss: "Well he is a master criminal you know? can't exactly be out in the open..."

Yang: "She got you there" I said making Blake glare at me.

I went to Beacon to become a huntress like I always dreamed to be, it was there that I met Blake and Weiss, but unfortunately, we saw something we weren't supposed to and found about some shady deals Ozpin was doing so he declared us criminals and made us run for our lives. Since we have nowhere to go now we decided to try and find the biggest criminal in Remnant 'The Thunder' who is known to be a cunning, scary, destructive but also fair criminal who steals and re-sales just about any item you could think of, we thought since we can no longer show our face officially we could start working for him and so at least have a home of some kind.

Weiss: "So we should be able to find him in this warehouse, I'm certain he'll take us in we are skilled fighters after all" She said proud of her capabilities.

Blake: "Well then let-" She was about to say when a figure dropped down from the rooftop in front of the door making us all back up.

It was a man around our age with H/L H/C hair and H/C eyes, he was wearing all back with a jacket with red accents over a white button-up.

Y/N: "Evening ladies, now people don't tend to wind up here when they get lost so I'm assuming you came for me?" He asked as put his gloved hands in his pockets.

Weiss: "Y-You are 'The Thunder'?" She asked now no longer as self-assured as the infamous criminal stood right before us.

Y/N: "Indeed I am, now tell me what are you doing in my town?"

Yang: "Your town?" I asked confused.

Y/N: "Why of course, this town was abandoned by the people a long time ago and so I claimed it for it to serve as my base of operations and storage, now I'm going to ask one last time...what are you ladies doing here?"

Blake: "We were wondering if we could work for you?"

Weiss: "Yea we are skilled fighters!" She added desperately.

Y/N: "Really? well, what fighting background do you have? not to mention how come a Schnee would seek me out for a job? wouldn't I be a low life in your eyes?" He asked intrigued

Weiss: "W-We were all going to Beacon to become huntresses but on our first day before even the initiation took place we unintentionally witnessed Ozpin doing some...shady deals and so we were declared criminals by him, we are all really skilled and always willing to learn" She explained somewhat ashamed by this new sudden path her life has taken.

Y/N: "Ah yes Ozpin and his ole' shady deals, of course, you wouldn't believe if you wouldn't have experienced it first hand, then again I guess the most known criminal isn't going to be seen as a credible source of information" He said walking around looking like he was deep in thought.

He continued to walk back and forth in deep thought before stopping as he took another look at us, I thought he was going to reject us until...

Y/N: "You do realize that by working for me you are going to be forced sooner rather than later into a situation where you will have to kill people? either to get away or because the job requires it outright, after all, if people fuck with me, I kill them" He said with a questioning gaze.

Yang: "We have talked about it and thought this decision didn't come easy we did agree that we are okay with killing and destruction, our current situation would have forced us to kill just to get away anyways" I explained.

Y/N: "Well you three have worked together and made it all the way here despite the fact you have the entire planet after you and I am in need of a squad to assist me on heists and the like, you know what sure, I'll give you a chance." He said making us all excited.

Y/N: "Okay darling, you can come out now..." He said confusing us.

Our confusion was short-lived as a figure in a red cloak jumped down from the roof and deactivated her sniper-rifle making it turn smaller as she placed it on her back, it clinked as she walked across the tarmac ground up to Y/N as her entire lower legs and feet were robotic replacements. The woman had silver eyes with which she stared at us emotionlessly at us, she had a couple of scars on her arms, face, and neck.

Y/N: "This my new friends is my wife Ruby L/N who is also my partner in crime, you'll be seeing her on a daily basis from here"

Blake: "Was she there the entire time?" She asked a tad bit creeped out by the seemingly emotionless sniper.

Y/N: "Of course, I didn't know you and what your intentions were, after all my darling is quite the overprotective one" He said as he hugged Ruby who hugged him back and finally showed emotions as she lovingly hugged back and kissed him a couple of times.

Y/N: "There is that smile I love so much! had fun scaring them with your glare of death?" He asked with a chuckle.

Ruby: "I sure did honey, no matter how many times I do it, it always remains fun to see them squirm in place as they wonder if they'll lose their head any second..." She said with a smile.

Y/N: "Well since you all have demonstrated your capability of getting along and working together I'm going to place you together as my new support squad with my darling as your leader, your new code name is....what are your names?"

Yang: "Yang Xiao Long"

Blake: "Blake Belladonna"

Weiss: "Weiss Schnee"

Y/N: "Your new squad name is RWBY, after all my favorite warrior is the leader" He said with a charming smile as he snaked his arms around Ruby's torso.

Things are certainly going to be very different from now on...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting ShaneEe358

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