Fight Against The Unknown - (Fiona X Male Reader)

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Fiona Fanart By: mojojoj On Reddit

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this)

Published On: August 29, 2020


I didn't think my entire life could be changed over the course of one day, I used to be a part the "Happy Huntresses" we were fighting for the future of Mantle but I was kicked out of the group after I was framed by somebody and now everyone thinks I'm a murderer. With my friends not believing me and turning on me and my Huntress License revoked I just ran and ran, not knowing what to do...

Now I was just wandering the tundra, freezing to death...I really should have thought about this more and now I'm going to die where nobody finds me.

My legs gave out on me and I fall down against some small hills of snow, I was starting to nod off from exhaustion when I suddenly heard a noise!. I frantically looked around trying to see anything through the snow when I saw...something getting closer.

Fiona: "HEY OVER HERE! HEEEELP PLLEEEEEEEEEASE" I Cried out hoping they'll hear me.

It seems like they did as the object was moving closer until it came close enough that I could see what it was, it was some kind of tall...robot?

Robot?: "EXTERMINATE!!" It screamed in a loud voice as it seemed to charge a canon.

I closed my eyes expecting death when I was suddenly ripped out of the path of the laser shot by a man with E/C eyes and H/L H/C hair in tactical gear.

???: "Don't worry ma'am I got you!" He cried out as he put me behind the snow mountains and got back out and shoots the robot with what looks like a small gun with a rotating cylinder barrel at the end, the robot instantly blew up after getting hit.

???: "Boy am I glad I made this tau cannon..." He said to himself before walking back to me.

He took off his coat and wrapped it around me.

???: "Are you okay ma'am? aside from the hypothermia that is..." He asked

Fiona: "Y-Yeah" I stuttered out due to the cold.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N...what is your name?" He asked as he also gave me his gloves.

Fiona: "M-My name is Fiona"

Y/N: "Nice name, so I'm sure you whe-"

Suddenly we heard some noises and looked over, there were more of these things on the way!

Y/N: "Alright! more are on the way and with that being more than 3 we'll not be taking them on directly, let's get the fuck outta here." He said before quickly taking my hand and running away.

Fiona: "But where can we go?" I asked as Y/N tipped away on his scroll.

Y/N: "Don't worry I've got an armored truck and I called it over, so it's going to here be in...right now!" He said as I saw a massive truck rolling up and stopping in front of us.

Y/N quickly helped me into the back while he climbed onto the roof and operated a turret and made quick work of the other....things...robots?.

When I went to the front I saw no driver...!?!

Fiona: "Where's the driver?" I asked as Y/N came into the living area in the back.

Y/N: "There was no driver, it has an automated call system driving it to my location whenever I call."

Fiona: "So...what was all of that?" I asked still completely taken away by everything that just happened.

Y/N: "sighs Alrighty... this is going to be a long story..." He said as he patted the space on the bed next to me.

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