The Writer And The Kitten - (Obsessive Blake X Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: Mojojoj On Reddit

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: February 10, 2021


Another day, another opportunity to wonder why I'm still here. These fucking bullies always making my life a living hell, and now cus they broke my umbrella I get to walk home in the rain.

Y/N: "Just get home Y/N, everything will be fine, when you get home you can relax and write another story." I said trying to make myself relax, but this time it wasn't really working.

Demoralized, I trudged home...

Could anyone's day be worst than this?


God damm sluts!

Every fucking day on my job at the cafe I get bullied by these sluts, my coworkers try to help me, but they can only do so much. Unfortunately, the owner isn't here for the next two weeks due to personal business and she had made a rule that we couldn't ban people from the establishment without her, she is really nice but that rule sucks.


I stared at my computer monitor, with a sigh I bang my head on the desk.

Y/N: "What am I doing? these stories are all shit anyway, a massive waste of time!"

I turned my computer off and got into bed, lord knows it's gonna take me an hour to fall asleep...


Something isn't right...why isn't there a new upload? I had just turned on my computer and gone onto Wattpad only to see that my favorite writer hasn't uploaded, 'ShatteredBlackwell' usually always uploads every day, he's always so dedicated to not disappoint his readers.

Blake: "Something isn't right..." I muttered disappointed.

Today had been another awful day and I was hoping that his writing would cheer me up like always, disappointed I put my head down. What I would give to meet him in person, I feel like he is the only one who would understand me...

Suddenly my head jerked up as an idea came to my mind...

Blake: "I could meet him in person..." I said with eyes wide by the realization.



Something wasn't right, during my usual awful school days I keep getting stared at by this Faunus girl that suddenly appeared, I don't even think she's a student here. As I closed my locker ready to get home I spot the girl down the hall staring at me, I decided to put this issue to rest and approach her.

Y/N: "Ma'am could you please come out, I would like to speak with you." I said as I saw her hide around the corner.

I waited for a few seconds but finally, she came out.

???: "How did you know I was there?" She asked looking confused.

Y/N: "Despite what you might think, you aren't that good at hiding, I have noticed you staring at me since Monday."

???: "Oh..." She uttered as she blushed in embarrassment.

Y/N: "I'm Y/N...Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." I said as I held my hand out and she shook it.

???: "It is nice to meet you..." She said as she looked at me like I was a celebrity.

Y/N: "coughs"

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now