Don't Touch Our Man! - (Caring Team RWBY X Innocent Male Reader)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: Didj On DeviantArt

Requested By: mrredsox93

Published On: October 10, 2020


Team RWBY met their husband Y/N in Vale and they instantly fell in love with his shy, timid, and innocent personality, they loved the fact that he hasn't heard of them before and so didn't just like them for being famous. Once the girls found out that Y/N could play drums they made him a part of his band and brought him onto their concerts, unfortunately, a lot of their female fans started talking about Y/N and how much they wanted to get a piece of that cinnamon bun which greatly infuriated the girls but they made sure to protect their man's innocence.

Ruby: "Y/N!! WE'RE HOME!!" She shouted out as she and the others entered their home.

However Y/N didn't answer confusing the girls, usually, he would always come running up to them and give them hugs and kisses.

Weiss: "Something isn't right..." She said looking around the quiet and dark house.

Yang: "I agree usually he always comes straight to us."

Blake: "I'll check upstairs."

Ruby: "I'll join you"

Weiss: "Alright then Yang and I will look down here."

So the team split up at the stairs as they slowly and carefully crept through the house, Weiss and Yang couldn't find anything unusual but when they heard Ruby scream upstairs they took their weapons and ran upstairs, they found Ruby crying in Blake's arms outside their bedroom.

Yang: "What happened?" She asked but Blake didn't answer and simply pointed to the room.

As Yang and Weiss stepped inside they saw the room totally trashed with blood on the walls and floor, Yang turned around as she couldn't stand the sight for any longer.

Weiss: "Whoever did this left a note..." She said as she came out of the room holding a piece of paper.

Yang took the paper and read through it as she gets more and more infuriated.


Blake: "How much do they want?"

Weiss: " Lien, they want it by tomorrow evening to trade Y/N for the Lien at the docks"

Ruby: "Nobody could get that much money together in such a short time!" She cried out looking even more upset.

Yang: "And we aren't gonna try, we'll get to the docks and beat their asses!" She cried out loading Ember Celica.

Weiss: "I agree with Yang, they have it coming"


The sun had gone down and the docks were quiet, the silence got interrupted when a truck came and stopped between some containers.

Team RWBY was already waiting on the roof of a warehouse, when they saw the truck they quickly made their way to the containers and were preparing to ambush them as they listen in to the two women that got out of the truck's cab.

???: "The money is gonna be nice but do we really have to give up the boy, I'm having a lot of fun with him."

???: "Really Stacy? you are only having fun with him cus you are forcing him, the other men in your life ran away for a reason."

Stacy: "Fuck you!"

???: "Yeah yeah whatever..." She said dismissively as they both opened the back of the truck and brought out Y/N who was heavily beaten and bloodied.

As soon as they dropped Y/N to the ground there was a massive crashing noise as the entire truck was cut in half by the massive sword of Arma Gigas, the girls being distracted by Weiss's summon allowed Blake and Yang to tackle them to the ground as Ruby shattered their aura with Crescent Rose and cut their heads off.

Once the girls were taken out they simply dropped the bodies and hurried over to Y/N who was still passed out, they took him to their car and made their way home.

Ruby and Yang were sitting in the back with Y/N on their laps, after a couple of minutes he finally woke up.

Y/N: "Y-Yang?" He asked weakly as he looked up to Yang.

RWBY: "Y/N!!" They all shouted out happy that he was finally responsive.

Ruby: "Don't worry you are safe now, they aren't going to hurt you anymore" She said as she hugged him.

Y/N: "They wouldn't stop hurting me and one of them w-was going to..." He cried out as he shoved his face into the crook of Ruby's neck.

Yang: "Do what?" She asked in a fearful tone.

Y/N: "R-Rape me..." He said as he cried even harder.

Once she heard that Ruby hugged him even tighter.

Weiss: "Don't worry darling we took care of them, they can't hurt you anymore"

Blake: "Exactly and after a checkup at the hospital we are going home."

Yang: "And we promise to add extra security to the house." She said as she joined the hug.

It was going to be hard but Team RWBY was going to be there for their husband at every moment...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting mrredsox93

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now