Ensuring Your Safety - (Police Officer Blake X Drug Addict Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: November 22, 2020


I help Y/N into my house, he was bloody and couldn't walk on his own, he looked so fragile. I put him on the couch and then quickly got my first aid kit, he had bruises, cuts, burn marks, and his right leg was swollen.

Y/N: "Ahh" He screams out as I treat his wounds, I cringe and try to work as fast as I can.

Blake: "I'm sorry for the extra pain but it's necessary, I'll try to get it over with as quickly as I can."

Y/N used to be a drug addict who also sold them, I caught him a year ago and after he assisted the police in their investigation he was pardoned from his crimes. We got together and have been living together since then, unfortunately, Y/N didn't get the peaceful life he was hoping for, even though he was clean now and didn't do anything illegal some of the other officers still continued to pester him and soon that pestering turned into beatings. I tried to get investigations launched but those officers were always able to either cover their tracks or weasel their way out of trouble, it's gotten so bad that Y/N became afraid of going outside.

However tonight things turned out differently...

Y/N: "Thank you..." He says looking up into my eyes with tears going down his cheeks.

Blake: "For what?" I asked confused.

Y/N: "D-Despite the things I did in the past you stuck with me, you gave me a chance, you love and care for me...and now you have even given up your life for me" He said as he started to break down.

Blake: "Hey darling it's alright, I love you and I'll gladly do it again if it means we can be together." I say as I hug him while being careful to not hurt him.

Y/N: "Thanks, you always know what to say" He says with a smile as I rub his tears away.

Blake: "It's alright, now I'm going to quickly remove the plates from my Porsche, and then after some packing, we can set off." I say as I move into the garage.

Y/N: "Alright, I'll start pac-"

Blake: "You are still injured and can't walk, not to mention your swollen leg, you aren't moving anywhere until I'm done packing." I call out from the garage as I quickly look through the toolbox and find a screwdriver, a couple of minutes later and the plates were off.

Y/N: "Do you think they'll be able to track us?" He asked concerned as I walked past him to go upstairs and started packing our stuff.

Blake: "Don't worry I destroyed the coms, dashcams, and computers in my cruiser, they'll never find us after this."

Y/N: "Okay" He answers sounding relieved.

I quickly hurried through our bedroom and bathroom making sure I got a decent amount of stuff packed into our three bags, we'll have to leave the majority of our stuff behind, but at least we can take the most personally important belongings with us. After some minutes of packing, I run downstairs and quickly loaded the luggage into my Porsche. I help Y/N into the Porsche and after driving it out of the garage and a safe distance away from the house and cruiser I get out, Y/N looks at me confused as I get some gas canisters from the trunk.

Y/N: "What are you doing?"

Blake: "Just covering our tracks, I'll be back in a minute." I said as I walked towards the house.

I made sure to douse every part of the house in gas, I left nothing dry. I walked out of the house and started dousing the cruiser in gas as well both inside and outside, once I was done I threw a lit match into the house and then one on the cruiser.

Blake: "Alright let's get the fuck out of here!" I say as I get back into the Porsche and we drive off.

Now we can head to Atlas and start a new life, I can fulfill my dream of having a proper vacation with Y/N as I had always been so busy meaning we could only hang out at home most of the time. They probably already found the corpses of the officers who thought they could treat my Y/N like that and get away with it, but no matter what they do they'll never find us.

Through thick and thin I'll always stay with my love, even if it means starting over...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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