A Thief Stole My Heart! - (Emerald X Thief Male Reader)

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Emerald Fanart By: efr-s On Tumblr

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: September 10, 2020


This shit did not go to plan! I was supposed to steal some blueprints for Cinder of some new Atlesian tech when suddenly the warehouse starts going haywire and blowing the fuck up!

I was about to be swallowed by the explosion when a guy around my age suddenly came around the corner and within seconds we were around the corner of the building across the streets.

???: "Are you okay ma'am" He whispered while looking around the corner as the rest of the warehouse went up in explosions and flames.

Emerald: "Y-Yeah I am...who are you and where did you come from."

Y/N: "Name is Y/N and I'm the one who destroyed that building as it would have made stealing here in the area a lot harder with Atlas's presence, I just didn't expect anybody else to try and steal anything...sorry about that" He said.

When I looked over to the burning remains of the warehouse I saw Cinder, Mercury, and Roman sprinting up to it.

Roman: "The rat couldn't have survived that" He said looking displeased.

Mercury: "What are we gonna do now?"

Cinder: "We do nothing, this is only a minor setback."

Mercury: "But who's gonna do her missions now?"

Cinder: "Who do you think? you of course" She replied as they walked away.

I couldn't believe it, Cinder just replaced me like that! and with Mercury of all people!

Y/N: "Hey...uhh"

Emerald: "Emerald."

Y/N: "Emerald...nice name, you got anywhere to go aside from those backstabbing punks?"

Emerald: "N-No...I don't"

Y/N: "You can stay at my place if you want, I have plenty of space at home!" He said smiling at me.

Emerald: "You would do that for me, even though we just met?" I asked surprised.

Y/N: "Of course, besides I know what it feels like to be betrayed." He answered.

Emerald: "A-Alright sure."

Y/N. "Great! let me show you the way!" He said as he walked towards the countryside.

We were walking through the countryside for a while now and I was getting tired, Y/N didn't seem to mind the long walk but just enjoyed the calm night.

Emerald: "When are we gonna arrive and why do you live out here anyways?" I asked increasingly annoyed.

Y/N: "We are here!" He said as he pointed to a massive mansion!

Emerald: "Wha- I thought you were also a thief?"

Y/N: "I am but I live in this mansion since it was abandoned." He said as held the door open for me.

The place was filled with all sorts of items and unlike its slightly aged appearance on the outside, it didn't at all look abandoned inside.

Emerald: "How long have you been stealing stuff?"

Y/N: "Since I was a very small child as my parents abandoned me on the streets when they didn't want me anymore, anyways make yourself at home." He said as he left for the kitchen.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now