The One Free Man - (Coco X Famous Male Reader)

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HEV Suit Fanart By: Valve On Deathmatch: Classic

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: June 1, 2021


It was a cold morning, the docks were empty as ever. The structure rendered useless after all the water of the sea had been harvested, now nothing but dry and Antlion-infested sand remains...

A young woman is running as fast as she can, gunfires nearly riddling her as she's weaving in and out of sight. Jumping down from one street to a dock platform, jumping over fences, doing whatever she could to get away.

The Combines following her didn't stop no matter what, it didn't matter how many of them she gunned down as she ran, they just continued on. She's already been hit a few times, now bleeding, bruised, scraped, banged up, and tired, she's still running.

This young woman was Coco Adel, somebody who's been fighting for her survival years on end. Doing whatever she can, just for the right to be able to breathe, let alone stand tall and free.

Coco takes out her final grenade and stops as she chucks it up with all her might, it successfully lands on the street above, sending the Combine units flying. With a sigh of relief, she carries on, finally without someone right behind her.

Exhausted she trudges through the tunnels under the docks, sliding down against a wall she finally gets to take a seat on the ground. She looks herself over, scraps, cuts, bruises, her entire body was fucked up. Her clothes were ripped and didn't really cover her anymore, making the cold morning only worst.

She could still remember that day years ago, when the world changed and everything became a nightmare. She could still remember where she was when it happened, what she was doing. The faces of friends and family long gone flash before her eyes, all things that would never leave her mind.

Quickly she locks those memories away, not willing to let them invade her mind for another second. She knew that if she stopped, stopped and thought about everything, what was actually happening, what she was actually doing, then she would break down and never get up again...


Coco flinches as the sound of something metal dropping reverberates throughout the tunnel, making her clutch her gun.

A red light blinded her for a second before she could see that at the other end of the tunnel a bunch of Combine Elite were coming, the red lights of their helmets illuminating the tunnel. Quickly she scrambles to her feet and runs, already a bullet hitting her in the back of her right thigh making her almost trip.

As she ran out of the tunnel she was blinded by the sunlight for a second, when her vision finally cleared her blood ran cold. Flying right above with its guns trained on her was a Combine gunship, ready to spray her blood all over the ground...

Coco just closes her eyes, awaiting the inevitable...


She opens her eyes when she suddenly heard an explosion and the dock platform shock a bit, the Combine gunship was on fire and falling towards the ground. As it fell it rammed into a dock building and took several cranes with it.

Before she can even comprehend what just happened a figure drops down behind her, in awe she just watches as the figure just takes out three grenades and chucks them into the tunnel at the wave of Combine Elite, with three big blasts all of them were ripped apart.

As the smoke cleared Coco could finally see who this mysterious figure was...

The person was taller than her and wore a full bodysuit, it was colored orange with black accents. She instantly recognized who it was, as they turned around and looked at her she could see the Lambda symbol on the suit's chest, the symbol that the resistance went on to use...

The person before her was none other than Y/N L/N, "The One Free Man" as everyone called him, the legend himself stood before her...

He pressed a button on his suit and slowly the helmet depressurized, once it was done he slowly took it off. Coco couldn't help but blush at his E/C eyes and H/L H/C hair, he was pretty damm handsome.

Coco: "D-Dr. L/N, thank you for saving me, I-It's an honor."

Y/N: "...No need to thank me" He said suddenly in a deep and calm tone.

He held out his right hand, Coco looked at it surprised and amazed. He wanted her to come with him!?

Slowly she took his hand and they started walking towards the other end of the dock platform, ready to get out of here.

Coco: "M-My name is C-Coco by the way, Coco Adel"

Y/N: "Glad to meet you Coco" He said flashing her a smile.

Coco couldn't help but blush...

Maybe surviving this world wouldn't be so bad anymore...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting PlagueOfShadows

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now