Caféine Sincère - (Stalker Amber X Male Reader)

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Amber Fanart By: AliasWZ On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: June 21, 2021


In Mistral there was a medium-sized cafe with three people working there, it was called 'Caféine Sincère'. Word quickly spread and it became well-loved among the people living in the area, giving the cafe a steady stream of loyal customers.

One day a lonely woman entered the cafe, one who usually never went out to see the city. That young woman was Amber, she decided to try out the new cafe that she had heard people talk about. Usually, she would just stay at home, always alone as she didn't have any friends and didn't know anybody.

After waiting for a minute her coffee was brought to her, that's when everything changed for her...

The man that served her, his eyes, his hair, that smile...

She was instantly smitten, never before had she ever felt such strong emotions in her life. The man in front of her the only thing she could see as everything around him faded out. Just as quickly as he had arrived he left again to go serve other customers, Amber just left watching him in aww.

Since then her idea of not leaving the house too often was thrown out of the window, instead, she would visit the cafe again and again. She never paid any real attention to the other people working there, the man being the only one that drew her in. After a couple of visits, the man actually struck up conversations with her, she found out that his name was Y/N L/N, they got along pretty well and became friends.

Now she would visit the cafe as often as she could and secretly watch Y/N as he worked, making sure to not let him see her staring whenever he looked over. Soon she started following him when he got off work and made his way home, unfortunately, she couldn't follow too closely or else he would notice, resulting in her always losing him at a certain point due to how confusing the road network got further down and how every building practically looked the same, she tried to search for his home around the area but couldn't find it.

In order to maximize the amount of time, she gets to see Y/N every day she started waiting early in the morning for him to arrive at the cafe, never stopping no matter how cold it sometimes got. She couldn't really watch him though during the times he was in the cafe before or after it was open, to get around that she climbed an old fire escape at the back of the building in the alley to get to the room above the cafe, once she got there she started to slowly but surely make two holes in the ground, now she can watch Y/N in the cafe whenever she wants.

The thrill she got from watching him through the hole while he was in the backroom was indescribable, especially when she was almost discovered once...


She was looking at him through the hole as he was drinking coffee and reading in the back room, he was still a bit sleepy as he had just come to the cafe and was waiting for the others. Amber was swooning over his looks again, getting ever more heated from watching him. Slowly she lowers her hands and opens her pants, lowering the zipper as the heat traveled through her entire body.

She bit her left arm to silence herself as her right hand removed her pants, first she started with just one finger, then two, then three, soon she was using her entire hand. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her hand went absolutely crazy with the fingering, her mind only filled with Y/N and her fantasies as the ground got wetter and wetter as she came multiple times.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now