I'll Keep You Save - (Yang X Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: yellownicky On DeviantArt

Requested By: reecethebeast23

Published On: August 30, 2020


I was driving home when I saw a H/C-haired man stumble and then fall down, I quickly stopped and went over to see if I could help him. The guy was shivering and was mumbling something to himself.

Yang: "Hello? Sir are you alright?" I asked him, but when I touched his shoulder he jerked back hitting his head against the wall.

Y/N: "P-Please don't hurt me, please don't take me back to her" He said with red puffy eyes and tears going down his face.

Yang: "Bring back to who?" I asked him, before checking him over and seeing that he was bleeding and that his clothes were ripped.

Yang: "My name is Yang, what is your name?" I asked gently trying to not scare him anymore.

Y/N: "M-My name is Y/N" He replied

Yang: "Okay Y/N, I'm going to help you to my bike so I can take you home and help you with those wounds okay?" I asked.

Y/N: "O-Okay"

I helped Y/N onto Bumblebee and drove with him to my home where I helped him up the stairs and into my bedroom, I tried asking him who this woman who he was so afraid of was but he seemed too exhausted and confused to give me a proper answer. I cleaned up and bandaged his wounds, leading to me discovering many scars and wounds that didn't properly heal.

When I was done patching him up I went to get up and throw the bloody tissues away but Y/N latched onto me and didn't let me leave.

Y/N: "So warm" He mumbled.

I simply decided to lay back down and hug him, how could I say no to such a cute guy?


I got up early this morning and made some bacon and eggs. I was just about to wake up Y/N for breakfast when he came out of the bedroom.

Y/N: "M-Morning Yang" He said holding his head.

Yang: "Morning Y/N, bad headache?"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, I kinda hurt all over" He said as he sat down.

Yang: "Here, made some bacon and eggs, knock yourself out" I said as I put the plate in front of him.

Y/N: "T-Thanks" He replied shyly.

Yang: "And this should help with your headache" I said as I gave him a glass of water and a painkiller

So as we sat down and spoke Y/N revealed that he was living in Atlas with his girlfriend Harriet Bree who was a Huntress part of the Ace-Ops and after dating for a while she became abusive and she would also drink often. When Harriet accepted a mission that required her to go to Vale she forced Y/N to come with her, the night Y/N ran away Harriet was drunk again and was pretty close to killing him.

Yang: "Don't worry Y/N, I won't let her hurt you anymore" I said as I put my hand on top of his.

Y/N: "T-Thanks, you are the nicest person I ever met" He said smiling

Yang: "How about we go out and check some shops and maybe go to the park, get your mind off all of this?" I asked

Y/N: "I would love to" He said with an even bigger smile.

Before we left I made sure to send a message to Ruby, Weiss, and Blake each to look out for this Harriet if they saw her.


Y/N was a lot of fun to hang out with, we just spend the day going to different shops and getting to know each other, we decided to go to a restaurant before going back home. We both just got done eating when I saw Y/N starring at me.

Yang: "Like what you see?~" I asked.

Y/N: "S-Sorry...you are just so beautiful and n-nice" He stuttered out while avoiding my gaze.

Yang: "Y/N look at me please" But he was still too shy to look at me.

I simply took his chin and kissed him right on the lips, when we separated he was starring at me wide-eyed and with a deep red blush.

Yang: "I have seen how you looked at me all day long...and even though we haven't met that long ago I feel the same." I replied

Before Y/N could respond we heard someone stomping over to our table when we saw...Harriet

Harriet: "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH MY Y/N" She screamed in my face.

Yang: "YOUR Y/N? YOU FUCKING ABUSED HIM!! YOU MADE HIM RUN AWAY" I was livid, I can't believe she thinks that she can just take Y/N back to that hell hole of a "home".

Harriet just screams in anger and goes to hit me when she drops down, looking over I saw Y/N had used his semblance and was shaking in fear. I went and quickly pinned her to the ground and showed her my Huntress License.

Yang: "Harriet Bree you are under arrest for abuse and attempted assault on a Huntress."

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry Yang, I forgot that Harriet used to track my scroll." He said as he looked at his scroll sadly.

Yang: "It's alright, could you call the police so they can collect this cunt?" I asked

Y/N: "O-Of course" He said as he immediately called them.


Harriet went to prison after I arrested her, turns out being an abusive piece of shit wasn't the only illegal thing she did. Y/N and I right now are just traveling through Remnant and going wherever fate happens to take us, right now we are in Atlas.

I came into the bedroom with a tray of food, seeing Y/N still sleeping and hugging the pillow.

Yang: "N/N....wake up darling I got some food for you~" I said while playing with his hair.

Y/N: "Thanks Hotcake" He said before kissing me.

We just spend the next few minutes eating while cuddling and Y/N sometimes spoon-feeding me.

Y/N: "Where do you wanna go today?" He asked after putting the now empty tray away.

Yang: "Down on your little friend here~" I responded as I started to strip.

We fucked the entire morning, the entire kingdom probably heard us...

AN: Hope you enjoyed it all!

Thanks for requesting reecethebeast23

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now