Red-Eyed Saviour - (Weiss X Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: Sombrella3 On Twitter

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this)

Published On: October 17, 2020

A Gift To: Just__Forgotten


The first time Y/N met Weiss was after she had performed on the stage at the request of her father, Y/N could tell how torn up inside the heiress really was, and after the performance was over asked her if she wanted to join him and leave this life behind to which Weiss agreed.

In the middle of the night Y/N sneaked into the SDC manor and helped Weiss pack and then they left together without anyone seeing, Y/N took Weiss from Atlas to a place she never even heard of where massive crystals laid everywhere and Grimm were rampant yet for whatever reason didn't attack. But before Weiss could try and figure out why the Grimm didn't attack them she got her answer, a woman that just like Y/N was pale and had red eyes walked to them from the entrance of a massive castle.

It turned out that this woman was Salem the queen of Grimm and Y/N's mother, Weiss was scared of her at first but she introduced herself in a very friendly manner and allowed her to stay at the castle for as long as she liked as any friend of her son was a friend to her as well.

And with that Weiss and Y/N would hang out every day as they grew closer and closer together, one day Y/N even showed her that he and his mother could perform magic, a secret that no one else knew about but that Y/N trusted Weiss with. The young ex-heiress after all this time had fallen for the young man who she views as her personal knight and so she tried to impress him in any way she can, she crafted herself a new rapier, she trained harder and more often, and she also changed her outfit style to something more akin to Y/N's, Y/N certainly took notice and though he was already impressed with the Schnee now he was amazed as she quickly grew from a young woman who once dreamed of being a huntress to an efficient mistress of death, truthfully Y/N had already fallen for her the moment he saw her perform on stage and his love for her only blossomed with all the time they spend together.

Salem knew that the two loved each other and looked on with great amusement as they tried and succeeded in impressing each other, she liked Weiss very much and couldn't wait until she would be her daughter-in-law. Both Y/N and Weiss would come to Salem for advice on how to approach the other and finally, after a couple more weeks they finally confessed to each other, at the same time even.

They both were overwhelmed with happiness as they learned that their romantic feelings were mutual, Y/N then as a sign of love and trust used his magic to bestow Weiss with magic powers of her own so they were both equals now and they both could live forever and control Grimm.

When the new couple came to tell Salem the news they found that she had already set up a party and was already planning ahead for the wedding, it turned out she wasn't wrong and they married only 6 months later. The honeymoon was spent in Vacuo with a short trip to Atlas to burn down the SDC Manor for some fun, Weiss was finally happy, free, and never has to worry about what her father wants ever again.

The world couldn't ever be prepared for the L/N couple!

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for all your amazing writing Just_Forgotten ! (You guys should check him out!)

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