Racer & Huntress - (Coco X Male Reader)

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Coco Fanart By: DyuN On Reddit

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: August 30, 2020


Fox: "You know...when you said you had tickets to some awesome event, this wasn't what I was expecting" He said skeptically.

Coco: "Don't knock it until you tried it" I reply

Velvet: "I'm sure it'll be fun, though I never would have taken you for a gearhead Coco." She said excitedly.

Coco: "How could you not love racing? just the thought of it gets me excited, besides my favorite driver is gonna be competing in this race." I said getting more and more excited.

Velvet: "Who is he?"

Coco: "It's Y/N L/N, won 35 races and scored 2 championships, not to mention the youngest racer at 19 and has been racing since he was only 13." I replied while showing Velvet photos of Y/N and the various cars he drove other the years.

Velvet: "You sure know him well, almost sounds like...you have a crush on him"

Coco: "Totally, kinda hard not to." I replied.

We got into the stadium and took our seats, Velvet had a tub of popcorn larger than her head. The race was intense and lasted 2 hours over 250 laps and 67 racers. Y/N didn't disappoint and his smooth driving quickly got him to the front of the pack and finally, he won.

Announcer: "AND Y/N L/N WINS HIS 3RD CHAMPIONSHIP IN A ROW!!!" I jumped up from my seat cheering.

Coco: "I KNEW HE WOULD WIN!!! WOOOOOHOOOO" I cheered and waved my flag of Y/N and his car.

Announcer: "AND NOW FOR A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BY OUR WINNER HIMSELF" I was surprised, I hadn't heard of any announcement.

Y/N: "With every ticket for this race came a special flyer, one of the flyers has a special number on it, and whoever has it will be able to join me on my worldwide tour!" I was floored, I didn't think the flyer would be anymore then...well a flyer.

Y/N: "The number is 47635" and as I looked down I saw...I HAD IT!!! I HAD THE SPECIAL FLYER!!!

I quickly stood up and shouted and waved.


A crew member came over and looked at my flyer and after confirming I wasn't lying he escorted me to Y/N's pit garage, I couldn't be more excited. Finally, I saw Y/N as he was leaning up to his car and was jamming out to some music while drumming on some spare tires. When he saw me and the crew member waving him over before leaving, he quickly put down the headphones and came over.

Y/N: "Hello ma'am, congrats on winning th-" He suddenly stopped before taking a closer look at me.

Y/N: "Wait...I think I recognize you, aren't you Miss. Adel?" I was blown away, my crush and favorite racer knew me?!?

Coco: "You know me?" I asked surprised

Y/N: "Of course, took me a second but you are Coco Adel, I heard of your heroic feats in the news."

Coco: "O-Oh that was nothing" I stuttered out shyly.

Y/N: "Nonsense you are amazing! congrats on winning and being able to join me on my worldwide tour."

Coco: "Thanks, this is like a dream coming true, you are my favorite driver!"

Y/N: "Is that so?...wanna get a tour of my car." He asked pointing over to his race car.

Coco: "I would love too" I said, trying not to drool at the thought of getting a closer look at his amazing machine.


2 Weeks after winning the tour started and I joined Y/N on his trip first to Mistral and then Atlas and now finally Vacuo, it was amazing being able to hang out with him. All this time around him made me only fall for him even harder, and if I'm reading him right it seems like he has also fallen for me!.

Y/N would allow me to be with the rest of his crew in his garage during all the races, and during practice, he even taught me how to drive his car and let me do a couple of laps. When not practicing, racing, or being at interviews he would spend his free time with me privately going to restaurants or on walks.

I was planning on confessing to him and I was practicing to the mirror when Y/N came in.

Y/N: "I'm heading out to the convention for my panel, you want to come?" He asked

Coco: "Y-Yeah" I replied still surprised, hoping he hasn't heard me.

Y/N: "Are you alright? Your face is all red" He asked before holding a hand to my forehead checking for a fever.

Coco: "Y-Yeah I'm alright" I replied even more flustered from the contact.


The convention was massive and there were SOOO many racing cars, manufacturers were even showing off their new racing and civilian models. Y/N and I especially loved the new Trans Arm models.

Right now I and Y/N were sitting at his booth in front of a massive crowd and he was answering questions.

Fan Girl: "MARRY ME" She randomly shouted out within the crowd.

Y/N: "Sorry, but my heart has already been claimed" He replied as he hugged and KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK, resulting in the crowd taking photos and videos and in general losing their collective shit.

Y/N: "Heard you practicing and to answer your question...I love you too" He whispered in my ear. The rest of this tour was going to be amazing!

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Just__Forgotten

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