Speed Demon - (RWBY X Playboy Male Reader X Team PVNC)

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Coco Fanart By: catwithabrush On Reddit

Requested By: MyNeighborYuki

Sequel To: Born To Seduce~ - (RWBY X Playboy Male Reader X Team PVNC)

Published On: October 18, 2020


The other girls and I have been together with Y/N now for a year and we couldn't be happier, some people would ask how we could all be happy with just one guy, but they don't know this wonder of a man personally. Y/N is literally everything you could ever want in a partner and then some, he always finds a way to pleasantly surprise us as well. After bugging Ozpin for a long time we were able to get a new and massive dorm for all of us which also has a bathroom and a kitchen, now we always get to sleep with Y/N.

Right now I was making my way to Beacon's garages as Y/N has been working there all afternoon on his car and I was going to ask him if he wanted to go out for dinner.

As I arrived at the garages I saw tools flying everywhere and Y/N's truck parked outside his garage, to my surprise he was working on a race car that I had never seen before.

Weiss: "What are you doing?" I asked him as he came out from under the car.

Y/N: "Preparing for some more street racing this weekend." He answered making me freeze.

Weiss: "We need to talk...right now!"


Y/N: "I just don't get why you find this to be such a massive problem." He said, sitting on the bed as I walked back and forth in front of him with my arms crossed.

Weiss: "Because it's illegal and not to mention you could get hurt!" I cried out.

Y/N: "Oh trust me I wouldn't do it if I didn't have confidence in my abilities." He said as he suddenly hugged me and pulled me onto the bed as well.

Weiss: "And the entire thing about how it's illegal?" I asked not impressed by his answer.

Y/N: "I mean if it would bother anyone I wouldn't do it, would I now?"

I just stared at him unimpressed.

Y/N: "It's fine really."

Weiss: "No it's no-"

When the door opens Y/N turns around to see all his other girlfriends walking in looking like their reason to live got blown up right in front of them, they almost fell over each other as they rushed through the door before quickly closing it.

Yang: "So what is it Weiss?"

Y/N: "Really? you called them all here?" He asked looking at me like he was about to burst out laughing.

Coco: "So what is it? you can't just tell us to come because of something important regarding Y/N, we thought he was injured or something!!" She snarked at me annoyed.

Blake: "Wait...was this entire thing a joke!?!" She asked looking hurt that I would do something like that.

Weiss: "What? no! I found out that Y/N has been doing something every weekend and hiding it from us, something VERY wrong!"

Yang: "Oooo please, you think Ruby not paying attention in class is criminal behavior, how am I supposed to take you seriously this time around?" She asked crossing her arms.

Weiss: "He participates in street racing!! that is totally illegal!!" I cried in frustration.

Yang: "OH."

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