Ice Sharp As A Knife - (Weiss X Bodyguard Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: Necromalock On Deviantart

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: April 15, 2021


There was nothing more amazing, more breathtaking than her. Weiss Schnee, the toughest person I've ever known. I was just standing there admiring her as she just got done with her workout, her sweaty, toned body. What made the experience better was that she never wore a bra under her tank top, no matter the situation.

I was pulled out of my daydream when she turned around and saw me, she walks over as she continues drying herself.

Weiss: "Ah Y/N didn't know you had already come, I've already shown Yang and Resse the mission we'll be going on next, it's the first of many deals this client wants to do with us." She explained as I followed her to the planning room.

Despite what you might think at first I actually enjoyed working with Weiss, I was her bodyguard. She also had two other members in her gang Resse and Yang, how I meet Weiss originally is quite a complicated story, but I love it all the same.

Weiss held enough authority over the underground world in Vale that she could easily get most schmucks to work for her, meaning she only needed us three to be permanent members of her gang. The only problem that comes with working for Weiss is that she isn't exactly very nice most of the time, I didn't let it show how much some of her words and actions actually hurt me, I still stuck around because I liked her, despite the fact that the chances we could ever get together being pretty much zero.

Weiss: "Alright sit your ass down, I'ma go through the whole plan."


Weiss: "WOULD YOU STOP BITCHING ALREADY!!" She screamed at me.

I was in total disbelieve, the guy she wanted to do missions for was totally untrustworthy, not to mention that the things he wanted us to steal for him were not even really worth anything. Weiss as per usual wasn't having it, completely ignoring my concerns of how this could be dangerous for her.

Y/N: "Are you really gonna put everything on the line for some fuck you don't even know, everything you worked for is gonna be down the drain if you die!"

Weiss marched up to me and slapped me, pushing me back a bit.

Weiss: "You are my fucking bodyguard and you'll do as told, if I say we're going on this mission, then we're going"

I started walking towards the door, 

Weiss: "Where the fuck are you going?"

Y/N: "If my fucking opinion isn't valued here concerning your safety then I don't have to be your bodyguard!" I cried back.

I slammed the door open and stomped past a surprised-looking Reese...


Weiss was working out angrily, she was pissed off at herself for how she treated Y/N and for making him run away, she felt guilty and missed him. Reese sat in the corner uncomfortable, she was afraid she was gonna get caught up in Weiss's anger.

Suddenly the door bursts open as Yang walks in and drops the crates of goods Weiss told her to steal, she had her usual cocky smile on her face.

Yang: "Hey I had a crazy dream last night! I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. Turns out it was just a Fanta sea." She joked.

All of the muscles in Reese's body stiffened up in fear as Weiss got up from her workout bench, she just stands there trembling.

Yang: "Oh come on that was a good one, did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? I heard the food was good but it had no atmosphere." She said laughing.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now