Unexpected Outcome - (Madeline X Male Reader X Malachite Twins)

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Malachite Twins Fanart By: notatrox On Reddit

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Sequel To: Two Hearts For One - (Abusive Team RWBY X Abused Male Reader X Malachite Twins)

Published On: October 2, 2020


We thought that everything would go smoothly after Y/N confessed in his sleep and we cuddled with him a few weeks ago, but everything came tumbling down, the day after that we came into a massive argument which grew more and more heated resulting in us saying some things to him that we really shouldn't have and him running away. He has been keeping his distance from us since then and only focuses on his job before immediately leaving to go somewhere else and only coming back rather late in the night, we tried talking to him but he just leaves and just ignores us. Now Melanie and I were walking through Vale after finishing our shift at Junior's to find him and apologize and also finally confess to him, we were also hoping to immediately take him on a date to make up for this mess.

After searching for him for half an hour we finally found him, but to our shock and horror we find him kissing another woman, and it wasn't just any woman it was Madeline! We weren't actually twins but rather identical triplets, but Madeline has been disowned by our family after constantly going against and fighting with our parents and by extension with us, as a result we haven't talked to and seen her in years. She looks exactly like us with even the same haircut as Melanie and the same dress as me but in black.

Melanie: "Y/N! what are you doing?" She asked in shock.

Once they heard Melanie's shout they stopped making out and quickly walk over to us from across the street.

Y/N: "Hey guys! I was just hangin-"

Miltia: "Madeline what are you doing here and with Y/N!?!" I asked not being able to hide the anger in my tone.

Melanie: "You shouldn't hang out with her Y/N, she'll just make you miserable as she does with anyone she gets in contact with!" She snapped with narrowed eyes.

Y/N: "She has told me of what happened back then and I can't believe you would still treat her like this when she has done nothing wrong, not to mention she is my girlfriend and I'm not going to stay away from her because of you two." He said as he was furious about what we said as he clutched Madeline's hand.

Melanie: "But she-" She was about to say when Y/N cut her off.

Y/N: "Come on darling, let's go somewhere more pleasant" He said as they walked away hand in hand, leaving us heartbroken.


Both Melanie and I were pleasantly surprised when we got to see just how well Madeline was treating Y/N, she always treated him like a god, and never once did they get into an argument. She is always hanging out with Y/N even being there to keep him company as he works his bartender job at Junior's, they are so in love that Y/N let her move in with him in his room upstairs. But as happy as we were for seeing Y/N happy with her we were jealous and saddened that we weren't the ones to be in a relationship with him, we haven't talked with him in a while as he kept his distance from us since we said those negative things about Madeline.

We were now waiting in our room for Y/N after the club has closed, we asked him if he could come to our room with Madeline earlier and thankfully he said yes. We were going to both apologize to Y/N and Madeline and also confess to him even if he rejects us and Madeline gets mad, just so we can finally get this out of us.

After hearing two sets of footsteps walking up the stairs we heard a knock.

Melanie: "Come in" She said as we both tried our best to calm down from the excitement of finally confessing.

Y/N: "Hey! you asked if you could talk to us?" He asked as he and Madeline sat down across from us on Melanie's bed.

Miltia: "Yeah...we wanted to apologize for our argument and what we said during it, we didn't mean any of it!"

Melanie: "We also wanted to apologize to you Madeline for all the insults we hurled at you, it's clear that you are nothing like what we blindly assumed you to be like."

Madeline: "It's okay I get it, back then I was a massive asshole to mom and dad and their friends, they tried forcing me o become like them and the others to just be another assassin and I didn't want that...I just wanted a simple and legal life so I rebelled and in the process we stepped on each other's toes" She said as she came over and sat down in between us and hugged us.

Madeline: "I'm just glad that my sisters accept me again and are willing to give me a chance." She said with a smile.

Y/N: "I also forgive you two, I understand that the argument just grew out of control and that you didn't mean anything you said." He said making us look towards him.

Miltia: "W-We also have something else to tell you, but we aren't sure if you'll like it..." I said looking unsure until suddenly we were both pulled into another hug by Madeline.

Madeline: "Both Y/N and I already know that you two are in love with him as it's very obvious, we both have talked about it and I'm willing to share him with you two." She said making both of us jump and hug Y/N tightly.

Y/N: "AIR!! YOU'RE SUFFERCATING ME!" He said flailing his arms around.

We both quickly released him, as we released him we had his head pressed in between our breasts.

Madeline: "Smothered by two pairs of tits would not be a bad way to go~" She said with a smirk making us blush.

Y/N: "I'll rather stay around with you three" He replied as he hugged us properly.

Madeline: "Now how about a nice date to celebrate?, I'll pay!"

Never did we think that a brutal argument with our lover would end up with our bonds strengthened and old family problems resolved...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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