Tired - (Abusive Yang X Abused Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: MICE-KING On DeviantArt

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: September 3, 2020


I have been in a relationship with Yang for 4 years now but a year ago she changed, she became cold and distant, she started to abuse me. I tried to talk to her and find out what changed, what happened to make her act like this, but she would just hit me until I'm just barely conscious. My sister Weiss has noticed that something happened, I had started wearing different clothes to hide the injuries, and sometimes I'll have to wear makeup to hide the bruises on my face. Whenever she asked what was wrong I just said it was nothing...even though I knew that she didn't believe that, she also became more suspicious of Yang as a result. I just wanted out, I didn't want to live in this constant state of agony, it felt like my soul was getting ripped in two. I just couldn't do this anymore, I don't want to go through this pain anymore.

I'm just tired...I want to rest.

I took the knife and with shaking hands I made several cuts on my legs before finally slitting my wrists open, it didn't take long for everything to fade away...I would finally rest.


I was making my way to Y/N's dorm to get him to do my homework, recently he has been fucking up more and more with my homework, like what else would he have to concern himself with but my homework?

Yang: "Hey! I got som-"

There was Y/N laying on the ground with blood all over the ground, he was incredibly pale.

Yang: "Y/N!! WHAT THE FUCK" I ran over to him, but he wasn't responsive.

Yang: "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I kept crying out as I picked him up and ran to the infirmary.

While running in the hall with Y/N on my shoulders I spotted Professor Goodwitch.

Yang: "HELP!! PROFESSOR!!" I cried as Goodwitch looked surprised at the sight of Y/N over my shoulder.

Glynda: "What happened to Y/N?"

Yang: "HE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF!! WE NEED TO GET HIM HELP" As soon as I said that Goodwitch quickly picked him up with her semblance and went to the infirmary.

When we got there they quickly put him on a stretcher and left for a hospital. I tried to join them but Goodwitch stopped me.

Yang: "Please let me join him! I want to join him"

Glynda: "First I want you to answer some questions for me" She explained.



Yang was sitting in the hallways outside...just crying, she didn't want for this to happen! this wasn't how things were supposed to go-

Weiss: "Yang!" She saw Weiss quickly running over along with Ruby and Blake.

How was she going to take the news of her brother...

Yang: "I'm soo sorry."

Blake: "What happened??"

Ruby: "Yeah they didn't tell us anything" Yang just started crying even more before her shoulders were tightly gripped by Weiss who stared directly at her.

Weiss: "What. Happened. To. Y/N?"

Yang: "H-He tried to kill himself...a-and now he is in a coma."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now