Destiny Made Us Meet - (Summer X Suicidal Male Reader)

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Summer Fanart By: sasorainster On Reddit

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: September 16, 2020


I was just walking home when I saw a man stumbling along the sidewalk, when I got closer I saw he was bleeding badly from both his wrists and his forehead, when I was about to make myself known to him he started climbing the railing!

Summer: "NO! DON'T!" I cried out as I quickly ran over and ripped him off the railing making both of us fall onto the ground.

???: "P-Please! just let me die...p-please" He pleaded while crying.

After my best attempts he finally calmed down after a few minutes, he told me that he was getting abused by his girlfriend.

I asked him to take me to his home so I can help him with his wounds, I got to know him a bit better while I was patching his wounds up and it turns out he is depressed after his girlfriend had cheated on him and even abused him.

I stayed for a couple more hours and we quickly became friends despite his shy nature, we also had a surprising amount of things in common like how we both are huge nerds.

Before I left I promised him I would visit him every time I could.


I kept my promise to him and visited him every day so far, and always had a great time. One day I caught him trying to take his own life again, after that I moved in with him, he objected at first as he thought I shouldn't give up my house just for him but I didn't have a problem with it and his place was bigger than mine. Since I moved in with him he met my friends Tai, Qrow, and Raven who quickly welcomed him, he is pretty shy around them but he trusts them since he trusts me. After spending all this time with him I seem to have fallen for him, once you get past the depression he is a really sweet person. I have been thinking for weeks now on how to confess to him, Raven just told me to straight up ask him instead of making it complicated and so I decided to do just that...

Y/N: "Did I do it correctly?" He asked as showed me his final result of trying to cook noodle salad.

Summer: "You sure did, tastes just like how I would make it" I answered after tasting it.

Summer: "Y/N?" I was hyping myself up in my mind, but no matter what I couldn't help being nervous.

Y/N: "Yes?"

Summer: "I...I really- I want to say-" I just kept stuttering and stumbling over my words. My stumbling made me panic and I just hugged him tightly

Summer: "Y/N...I love you, can I be your girlfriend?" I asked hopefully while burning my head into his neck, scared of rejection.

Y/N: "Yes you can be...I love you too Summer." He answered before putting his hand on my face and giving me a slow and delicate kiss.


It's Christmas, it's snowing outside, we have our friends here to celebrate and the steak is about to burn...WAI-

Summer: "Y/N look out! the steak!" I said making Y/N look away from the pudding and go over to the steak.

Y/N: "Phew! thanks sweetie, wouldn't have been able to rescue it if you didn't say anything."

Summer: "Maybe I should work on the pudding since I'm working on the salad...and the salad can't burn"

After we rushed through the kitchen for a few more minutes the food was finally done and we presented it to our guests.

Y/N: "Foods here everyone!" He said as he put it down on the table.

Qrow: "Wow! you guys really went all out, this looks amazing."

Y/N: "Unsurprising considering Summer worked on it." He said as he fixed a plate for everyone.

Summer: "You worked on it two."

Y/N: "True...but I got all my cooking skills from you, I still don't understand how you can be this good at cooking" He said making me blush.

Summer: "Enough chatter! let's dig in" I replied as we sat down. It was destiny that made us meet that night at the bridge and I couldn't be happier with you...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Just__Forgotten

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