Mechanic Of Vacuo - (Octavia X Male Reader X Nebula)

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Octavia Fanart By: LunaPerilune On Reddit

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this)

Published On: September 5, 2020


Nebula and I were wandering around Vacuo looking for a job that we could work together at, so far we haven't had any luck. After an intense mission, our team had been split by blame over who's fault it was that we all nearly died, Nebula and I have decided to leave the team as it became very clear that this wasn't going to work. We have been looking for jobs for a while now and none of them either pay good enough, is something we have the skill for, or only would take one of us.

Nebula: "Hey Octavia, look!" She pointed to a help needed poster.

The poster was for two open positions at a mechanic shop on the outskirts of the city, they are positions for inventory management, and customer help.

Octavia: "That looks perfect for us! lemme just write the address down and then we can go there tomorrow." I said and got my Scroll out.

Nebula: "Yeah there is an Inn over there, we can hang there." She said pointing over to a small place further down the street.


After some horrible sleep courtesy of the bad beds the inn has, we arrived at the mechanic shop. The shop didn't look too big from the outside but inside it was jam-packed with weapons and addons, this shop had just about every piece of equipment for anything you could think of.

???: "Good morning ladies, how can I help you?" Asked a boy the same age as us with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes.

Nebula: "We wanted to ask if the two job positions are still open, my partner and I are in desperate need of a job" She asked walking over.

???: "My name is L/N...Y/N L/N, and the positions are still open." He introduced himself, holding out his hand and shaking Nebula's hand.

Nebula: "I'm Nebula and this is Octavia, we were Huntresses in training until trouble with our team forced us to leave."

Y/N: "I'm guessing you are also looking for a place to stay then?"

Octavia: "Yep, we stayed at an inn last night, but it was quite bad"

Y/N: "I have spare rooms in the back, if you want you can live here free of charge as you would already work here."

Nebula: "Really? oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you" She cried out while shaking his hands.

I had to admit that despite the suddenness of the offer we probably weren't going to get a better chance anywhere else.

Y/N: "chuckles No need to thank me, I know what it's like suddenly be thrown off course in your's how this shop came to be." He replied with a smile.

Octavia: "You were a Huntsmen?" I asked surprised.

Y/N: "Not exactly a Huntsmen but rather I along with a good friend of mine was a vigilante, sadly after an unfortunate turn of events my friend and partner died...after that, I decided that that kind of life wasn't for me anymore and I started this shop."

Nebula: "Impressive that someone as young as us could start up a successful shop from nothing, I could never do something like that."

Octavia: "When can we start?" I asked.

Y/N: "Eager aren't we? but you two can start right now if you want, and the rooms in the back are aside from furniture empty so you two can already move in."

And with that our first day at our new job started...



These last couple of months have been amazing, Octavia and I quickly got used to our new life. The shop was buzzing with customers ensuring that none of us was ever bored, they are also surprisingly nice...probably cus of how nice Y/N is treating everyone. Not just working but also living with Y/N was a lot of fun, he was a fun person to be around and despite his sad past is always there to bring a smile to our faces. Over time we started to see him as more than just a friend, didn't help when we saw him working out once...

Octavia and I have been thinking of ways on how to confess to him for weeks, finally, we decided to get some tickets to a buggy race that's happening as we know Y/N loves those. The race turned out to be more intense than I could have ever imagined and though it did take some time to get used to all the noise and action...I grew to like it, Octavia immediately loved it and was cheering making both Y/N and I laugh at her endless enthusiasm.

Y/N: "Thanks for taking me to the race, was the best day I had in a long time." He said while hugging both of us from behind while still walking.

Nebula: "I-It's nothing in comparison to all the things you have done for us" I stuttered, blushing from the hug.

Octavia: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes?"

Octavia: "I....I-I.....ah fuck it" She cried out and smashed her lips onto Y/N's and pressed her body tightly to his.

When they separated they had the biggest blushes on their faces,

Octavia: "You are a great kisser" She said while licking her lips

Nebula: "Really? let me see" I said before tightly locking lips with him as well.

When we separated Y/N's blush somehow was even darker.

Before we could say anything he passed out...

Octavia: "Oh...looks like we broke him, well I'm sure he knows what we meant" He said picking him up with my help.


The mechanic shop has significantly expanded since our confession and now it's the biggest and most popular place for people to get weapons or have them modified. Needless to say, things have been going pretty amazing.

I got jolted out of my thoughts when Octavia leaned into the doorway.

Octavia: "You need to see this Neb! Y/N is talking in his sleep again and it's just as cute as last time." She said before leaving

Nebula: "I'm coming, I'm tired anyways..."

Leaving Shade and starting anew was the best choice we ever made.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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