Down Below - (Harriet X Male Reader)

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Atlas Concept Art By: Rooster Teeth From Volume 7

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: April 17, 2022


She looked into his eyes, seeing the full extent of his happiness, relieved that their feelings were mutual, they embraced, tears of joy running down their faces

Y/N: "I have spent countless nights dreaming of this, I'm so glad it's finally happening."

Harriet: "Me too." She replies, looking up at him.

She tries to look away, but his lips have her in a trance, inhibitions quickly leaving her as she pulls him in tightly and kisses him, giving it her all, the love she hid for him for the past two years, all finally released.

Y/N+Harriet: "I love you!" They both said at the same time.

He gives her an extra squeeze, bringing her even closer to his body, running his hands through her hair as he gave her a reassuring look.

Y/N: "I know that this won't be easy, but I'll be with you Harriet, I'll be here with you every step of the way."

She knew that things were going to be hard for a long time, the passing of Tortuga was going to change everything, but with him by her side, she felt like she could get through it all.




With a jerk, she's thrown out of her reverie, everything around her different in an instant, yet the eyes of her love were still looking at her. The feeling of numbness came back to her, her legs unable to move, her right arm equally useless. With her mind still foggy she picks up her scuffed-up scroll, wrestling herself from her lover's eyes, leaning against a piece of debris as she looked up at Atlas.

Harriet: "We were successful General, the bomb is still active and will go off momentarily."

Ironwood: "Where are you right now Bree? I need you back here at once!"

Harriet: "Sir, I won't be back."

Not listening to the General's response, she throws her scroll into a nearby fire. She continues looking up at Atlas for a couple more moments, her eyes feeling like waterfalls as a thousand thoughts rush through her mind.

She knew she couldn't leave, she could only move her right arm and midsection, she wouldn't be gone when the blast went off, instead, she'll be sitting only a few feet away from the bomb.

She took one last look at her love, his fogged-up eyes still looking at her, just as lifeless and unmoving as they were when the fight ended, with the last of her strength she grabs his hand and holds it tightly.

Harriet: "Don't worry honey, I'm coming, then we can be together once more."

The moment she closed her eyes, the rumble could be felt across the continent, the bang loud enough to reverb out far beyond the sea. Millions of eyes widened in fear, millions of screams ringing out, all silenced in an instant, all taken away by the inferno of Atlas.

And up in the sky, a General looks out of his window, silently thanking his operatives for their service before turning around, ready to give the remaining Ace-Ops their briefing.

Ironwood: "This by far isn't the end, we still have much to do before the situation can be considered stable."

The Ace-Ops prepared themselves for their next orders, their shoulders tensing as their hearts sank further down...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Gnawsome1

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