Guardian Angel In The Shadows - (Blake X Ozpin's Son Male Reader X Neo)

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Blake Fanart By: svikey02 On DeviantArt

Requested By: thanos44

Published On: December 1, 2020


Y/N: "Yea...happy fucking father's day" I said under my breath infuriated as I kicked a stone away.

It was father's day and once again my father, our oh so fucking fantastic headmaster Ozpin, is ignoring me. I wished that bastard never met my mother, he just came into her life only to knock her up and not care afterwards. My mother was too good for him, she cared for me every step of the way like a real parent while he didn't care about either of us. That bastard was more concerned with his reputation than anything else which is why he forced me to become a fucking huntsmen at his academy, I didn't have any freedom and could only do whatever the fuck he wanted. My mother passed away a couple of years ago, the asshole of course didn't care and just focused on his bullshit instead.

But I wasn't willing to be trapped in his grasp for any longer, so I started doing some trips into Vale behind his back. A few months ago I ran into two girls, a cat faunus and a girl with two eye colors. They were stealing to survive, they weren't small-time crooks either, they knew how to survive on the streets. I admittedly have fallen for them and even befriended them, they hid their criminal nature from me but I still had a good time with them.

I secretly followed them when they went out to steal some stuff, I would cover their tracks and make sure that nobody knew it was them or could catch them.

I was walking around the edges of Beacon when I suddenly heard some familiar voices and hit behind a pillar, Blake was leaning against a pillar as Neo walked up to her.

Maybe I have a chance for freedom after all...

Blake: "Did you get it?" She asked looking around nervously.

Neo: "I got the computer, now we won't get taken off guard anymore" She typed out on her scroll.

Blake: "Alright, let's leave then" She said.

I decided that this was my moment and stepped out of the shadows.

Y/N: "And what are you two ladies doing out here?" I asked as I walked up to them.

At first, they freeze in shock before slowly taking out their weapons.

Blake: "What does it matter to you?" She asks coldly.

Y/N: "No need for hostility I'm afraid, I didn't come here to turn you in or anything" I said with a small smile as I walked up to them.

Neo pouts and hits my shoulder, Blake still looks wary but puts her weapon away.

Blake: "Then what DO you want?" She asks walking up right in front of me.

Y/N: "No need to try and look tough, I'm on your side, let's just say I do not agree with my father and judging from your actions you could use some help"

Blake: "Wait...y-your're the son of the headmaster?" She asks in disbelieve.

Y/N: "Yep, though I'm not very fond of my father, he's very controlling and insists beyond reason I become a Huntsmen, though I like to fight and constructing my weapon was fun...this path isn't for me." I said walking around them as they stared at me.

Y/N: "I want to assist you two, I'm not asking for anything in return. I want to leave this place behind and with you two I can see a path, a path on which I belong."

Blake: "And why should we believe you!?!" She asks with sudden anger.

I simply stopped walking around them and dropped my cane and unclipped my sword from my belt, I threw both in front of them as I knelt down.

Y/N: "You have every chance right now to cut me down, my father wouldn't really care anyway" I said looking up at them.

Neo slowly walked up to me and caressed my cheek as she looked at Blake with a pout, Blake sighs but nods at which Neo happily claps before pulling me up.

Blake: "Alright well we're leaving now, if you have anything you need, get it now or else we'll leave it behind."

Y/N: "I'll get my bag quickly" I said getting up.

Blake: "We'll wait here"

I quickly ran to the dorms, the other students looked at me weirdly, some tried to talk to me but I didn't care. I got to my empty dorm and picked up my trusty old grey bag and slung it over my shoulder before running outside again.

Blake: "You sure didn't keep us waiting huh?" She asks with a hint of a smile on her face.

Y/N: "Nope, not willing to stick around here for any longer." I replied.

Intercom: "Would Y/N L/N come to my office" The voice of my father blared over the speakers.

Y/N: "And that is when we leave" I said as we started leaving.

We slowly sneaked across the courtyard on the sides making sure nobody noticed us, they had an old bullhead parked on the side close to the cliff.

Y/N: "So this your mobile base of operation?" I asked as I inspected the interior.

Blake: "Yea we know, it ain't much, but it will have to do" She answered as she sat down in the pilot seat and flew us out of there.

Y/N: "I like it, the rough state gives it character"

With that starts a long flight as only the hum of the engines is heard in the cockpit, we all just sit there not really doing anything. Neo is doing something on her scroll, Blake is just concentrating on flying. I just sit there in between the two, I didn't say anything as I didn't want to annoy an already tired-looking Blake. Slowly but surely my eyes close, I try to force them open but sleep claimed me not long after.


I was pulled out of my tunnel vision piloting when I felt something touch my shoulder, my face exploded in a deep red blush when I saw Y/N had fallen asleep on me. I looked over back to the controls when I heard a beep, Neo had switched the controls over to her side of the cockpit and pulled her scroll up.

Neo: "You just go to sleep with that cutie, we are sharing him though" She said with a smirk.

I was too embarrassed to say anything and just accepted it, I leaned back in the chair and slowly wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me as well, I almost exploded from how cute he looked.

This...this was nice.

Things were looking up for us, we finally found our guardian angel and now he's joining us on our journey...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting thanos44

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