How Could We Forget? - (Weiss X Son Of Qrow Male Reader X Blake)

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Blake Fanart By: moaiMsama On Reddit

Requested By: Reecethebeast23

Sequel To: Branwen Charm - (Weiss X Son Of Qrow Male Reader X Blake)

Published On: September 28, 2020


Today is Y/N's birthday and I have forgotten to get him a present! what kind of wife am I to forget something like that!

I rushed downstairs to ask Blake for advice.

Weiss: "Blake! I forgot to get Y/N a present an-"

Blake: "Oh god! I forgot to get Y/N a present!" She said as she quickly got up and ran towards the door only to get caught on the carpet and slamming against the door knocking her unconscious.

Weiss: "This isn't going to end well..." I said shaking my head


After helping Blake we both decided to call Yang and ask her to distract Y/N while we go out shopping for gifts for him.

Weiss: "And you are sure we can get something good here?"

Blake: "This is the biggest mall in Vale, I'm sure we will find something for him."


Yang: "HEYO!!!"

I woke up startled falling out of my bed.

Y/N: "WAAAHH!!!"

Yang: "Hey Y/N! my homie, my man!! what's up?" She said acting weird.

Y/N: "Y-Yang? how did you get here all the sudden and why are you here."

Yang: "I just wanted to hang out with my good ole pal!" She said patting me on the back.

Y/N: "You are acting weird Yang..."

Yang: "Me? weird? those two don't mix, get off the floor we have a bunch of fun bro activities to do." She said as she dragged me out of the bedroom.

Y/N: "HEY WAIT?!?!"


We had looked through the entire mall and I found nothing, Blake had found a Blu-Ray boxset of the F/S series.

Blake: "You don't have to get him something overly pricey, flashy or big just something thoughtful like these Blu-Rays is enough"

Weiss: "Easy for you to say, I still don't understand how that set wasn't my first thought for a present after he has been nonstop talking about how excited he is that F/S is finally getting released on Blu-Ray" I said disappointed.

Blake: "It's okay! maybe we-Weiss? what is it?" She asked as I suddenly stopped and stared at something.

Weiss: "I have an idea!"


Yang: "Okay we have played 40 rounds of Uno, onto the next thing on my bro activity list!" She said looking through her MASSIVE list.

Y/N: "Yang can we take a break? you didn't even give me time to put on clothes." I said about to get up.

Yang: "Nope bro activities don't stop for nothing! the next thing on our list is going out on the streets and looking for cute girls to hook up with and drink with."

Y/N: "I'm married...also what the fuck do you do with your bros?" I asked confused about where this was coming from.

Yang: "Oh...yea...nevermind onto the next point, driving bumblebee at unreasonable speeds through downtown Vale" She said picking her helmet.

Y/N: "WAIT WHAT??" I asked but Yang was already dragging me out of the house.



Blake: "I still can't believe how you managed to get one so quickly"

Weiss: "The benefits of being a Schnee, anything to make our darling happy!" I said as we walked through the front door only to lose our smiles at the sight of Y/N with a bandaged-up leg.

Weiss: "WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!?" I screamed out as I rushed over to Y/N to check his condition.

Yang: "I may or may not have taken him on a cruise with BumbleBee" She said with a nervous smile as she was scratching the back of her head.

Y/N: "We were going 100"

Yang: "And he may or may not have taken a bit of a dip"

Y/N: "I flew off the bike when she took a corner too far."

Blake: "YANG HOW COULD YOU?" She cried out about to strangle the blonde.

Yang: "S-Sorry...but I have a birthday present for you to make it all better!" She said suddenly getting cheerful again as she gave Y/N the present.

Y/N: "Thanks" He ripped it open and it was dust ammunition for his weapon.

Y/N: "Thank you Yang, these are going to be very useful." He said smiling.

Blake+Weiss: "Happy birthday!" We both said as we joined him on the couch and hugged him tightly.

Blake: "I got you those Blu-Rays you were so excited about!"

Y/N: "Thank you, darling, guess we know what to watch tonight." He said as he looked through the box.

Weiss: "And here is mine" I said as I passed over the small package.

He opened it to reveal a pair of keys.

Y/N: "Wait a minute aren't does-"

Weiss: "DeLorean keys? yeah it's standing in our driveway and it isn't any ordinary DeLorean either but it's one of the gold ones." I said proudly for getting him such a great gift.

Y/N: "WOW! that's a massive gift for a birthday." He said as he hugged both of us.

Blake: "Now let's get the cake out"

Yang: "Already on it!" She said as she came out of the kitchen with the cake.

Despite some yanging about we were still able to give our darling an amazing birthday...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Reecethebeast23

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