Don't Try, He's Mine - (Penny X Android Male Reader)

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Penny Fanart By: LuluSensei On DeviantArt

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: October 10, 2021


There she is again with her big tiddies, jiggling with every bit of movement, perky as always. Smiling at him, laughing with him, it annoyed me to no end. Ever since she arrived she's been after my boyfriend, either she's dumb or she's an asshole. I know that Y/N doesn't want her, he's only polite to her but nothing more, my annoyance lied exclusively with her.

Today was finally going to be the end of this though, as today was the start of summer break where everyone went back home. I was going to spend my time with Y/N at his home with his mom, something we had done multiple times now.

For half a year everything was fine, I had come from Atlas to go to Beacon. I made friends and met Y/N L/N, the man of my dreams, all while nobody knew that we are secretly androids. My father didn't let me go to Beacon till I had proven that I had learned enough about the world, as when I was first activated I was very awkward. My relationship with Y/N progressed very quickly as I soon moved into his dorm as things got very intimate, very fast~

Everything was fine...till she showed up...

She wasn't as well endowed or as tall as me...but Carina Haine has certainly become a thorn in my eye, setting her eyes on my man and trying to take his attention. She was a loner and didn't know anyone here, yet acted like she wasn't. On certain days she gets so annoying that I just want to strangle her, dropkick her, etc.

The worst offender being when recently she worked with Y/N on a group project, I could give Goodwich a kick in the cunt for pairing Y/N with her, combat class shouldn't have any partner projects, to begin with...

I enter the cafeteria, ready to spend the morning with my sweetie, only for me to lose my smile when I see Carina walking up to Y/N, probably asking him for help with her homework. I walk up behind her and grab her by the ass before pulling her out of the way, sitting down on the table with my ass next to Y/N's left hand.

Penny: "Hey Y/N~" I greeted him with a smile.

Carina just looks at me in disbelief before sending me a glare, grumbling as she stomps away.

Y/N: "Hey honey, how are you?" He asks, giving me a kiss and hug.

Penny: "Pretty good till I saw her talking to you."

Y/N: "Yeah I don't know when she'll get it, I haven't done or said anything that even remotely indicates interest."

Penny: "Yeah and I know that you are too polite to directly shut her down."

Y/N: "Actually I have, but she clearly didn't get the message."

Penny: "Oh...well that just makes her even more annoying then."

Y/N: "So ready for the final day before the break?"

Penny: "Yep, I wrote down all the times for when our friends will leave for their homes, so we can all give them a proper goodbye."

Y/N: "Good, I packed both of our stuff yesterday."

Penny: "Yeah I noticed, sorry about that." I said scratching the back of my head.

Y/N: "It's okay, you were so cute laying in bed, I couldn't bring myself to wake you out of sleep mode."

Penny: "Don't forget that you also promised me a Star Trek marathon today."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now