Queen In The Forest - (Velvet X Male Reader)

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Velvet Fanart By: KuroShiro2000 On DeviantArt

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: April 30, 2022


Outside of Vale's kingdom borders lies the small village of Surua and for years its inhabitants have heard strange tales of a monster from travelers who came and went.

The tales were all differently horrific, but they all told of a monster that controlled the Grimm and lived in a nearby forest area, a Grimm woman with rabbit ears atop her head.

At first, the villages just laughed at the tale and ignored it, soon it became a popular Halloween tale and became a part of the village's culture due to its frequency. Soon the villagers' attitudes changed from ignorance to truly realized terror, all thanks to the appearance of a tiny Grimm...that looked like a rabbit.

It wasn't uncommon for the children of the village to go out and play, including in the nearby forest area, only on one fateful day a mother was forced to watch her own flesh and blood get mauled to death by one tiny rabbit Grimm.

The village overtaken by terror and sorrow realized what this meant, the tales were true all along, and now this Grimm queen was sending out Grimm that she created in her own likeness. Now no longer did they live carefreely and ignorantly, now terror and paranoia were the new order of living.

One young man living in the village looked on as all of this happened, yet his reaction wasn't the same. He felt for the mother and for the passing of her child, and yet he didn't share their fear of the new Grimm, instead he felt...giddy.

The Grimm weren't common in the area, something that made it possible for the villagers to live here in the first place. For a reason that no one knew, the Grimm didn't come to this area very often, almost like they were afraid to come here.

The young man looked around the village, at the place that he had known all his life since he was a little boy, and he knew what he was going to do. He instantly left the town, knowing that his departure wasn't going to be noticed.

He trekked on for a while until he reached the forest area, without hesitation he walked straight in. It was getting really late and the sun was almost completely down, yet the forest didn't look scary to him, the more the darkness obscured the area, the more content he felt.

At last, the boy reached a clearing with a small hill, atop of which sat a woman beneath a tree, she had red eyes and rabbit ears. She didn't notice him, she just sat there relaxing, that was until a small rabbit Grimm came up and hopped onto her lap, with a smile she starts petting the creature.

The boy continued walking until he was right in front of her, he bowed down to his knees, looking at the ground while he spoke.

"I don't care if you make it quick and painless or cruel and drag it out, all I want is death."

The woman looked at him confused, not used to seeing a human this close, and even more perplexed by his request.

"Why would you want this? why seek me out for this?"

The man looks up at her, his tired eyes telling a harrowing story to her.

"There is no reason why a failure like me should exist."

The woman looked down in thought at the rabbit Grimm, the creature looking back at her, their ears twitching.

"Sit down."

The young man complied and sat down in front of her, but unlike what he was expecting she just started talking, and talking, and talking...

For the entire night, they held a conversation, the woman never once getting tired while the man stayed and waited. Despite what he was hoping for the woman did not heed his request, instead, she asked him to come back to her by the time the sun rose.

The man was confused but agreed and left, going back to the village.

Soon this turned into a cycle where for weeks on end the man would sleep for most of the day only to spend his entire night going into the forest and talking with the Grimm woman. Never once did she have a hostile side, instead she was always friendly, and unlike the tales about her, she showed herself to be a quite anxious but cute woman.

As the days went on the woman could both see and hear how the man changed, he started smiling, and his eyes were gaining a shine they never had. The empty young man in front of her finally felt cared for, appreciated, like someone actually wanted him around. Soon it became normal for him to wait at the hill before she arrived, even petting the rabbit Grimm that have become accustomed to his presence.

Yet one day the woman came to the hill to find that no one was there, confused she looked around only to not see him. She could have just sat down beneath the tree and waited for him, but something inside her told her not to, for some reason she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

For the next hour, the woman looked around the forest area, thinking that maybe the young man got lost somehow, or that maybe he tripped and got injured. Restless she tried to find him, having gotten very attached to him at this point, something she hadn't yet voiced to him.

Downtrodden the woman gave up her search, hoping that maybe he might be on the hill by now she turns around and heads back, her rabbit ears slumped down in sadness.

She walked back to the hill, only to be met with a sight that was the opposite of happiness...

The young man was sitting under the tree, petting some rabbit Grimm, but he was crying, his eyes red.

Concerned the woman ran up to him only for her to notice that his clothes were torn, his shoulders and arms bruised blue and purple.

The young man explained to her that the villagers took notice of him sneaking out into the forest every night, leading them to quickly conclude that he was a traitor and planning to take down the village with her help.

She sits down and quickly pulls the man into her lap, tightly clutching him into her arms, gently rubbing his tears away. Though she was deeply saddened by this news she held a smile, knowing that the man was not going to be on his own.

"Please don't cry, you haven't lost anything, you have only gained."

When he looked at her in confusion she continued, her voice soothing his mind and heart.

"These villagers were never concerned with your well-being, they used to never take notice of you, they didn't see you as an equal."

The man looked down sadly, but the woman took his chin and made him look right at her as she leaned in really close, their noses almost touching.

"But now you've got someone who wants to see you smile every day, someone who is willing to give their heart, mind, and body to you, and she loves you very, very much."

And then she swooped in to kiss him with all the passion that's been building up inside of her, holding him tightly as he was completely overwhelmed, turning into putty in her arms.

All the rabbit Grimm in the area look up at the hill, watching their queen with the feelings of happiness that they've learned from her.

When they finally separated for air they could only stare at each other in love and wonder before tightly embracing each other, the man crying once more, only this time out of happiness.

She was right, he didn't lose anything at all, he gained someone who cares, someone to live for, someone he loves.

And the queen?

She gained a king...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MeowChickaBowPow

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