Troubled Boyfriend - (Fem Qrow X Ace Op Male Reader)

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Qrow Fanart By: LilysCosplay On Twitter

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: June 28, 2021


The sun was setting and was casting an orange glow onto Atlas, people were going home from work, people were hanging out at the parks...

But none of that mattered to Qreole, she wanted to cheer up her boyfriend Y/N. For half a month now Y/N has been acting differently, almost like he was scared of something. She tried to talk to him but he didn't admit to anything being wrong, something Qreole totally didn't believe. Today she bought the ingredients for Y/N's favorite cake, she hoped that it would make for a nice surprise that would cheer him up, both from whatever was troubling him and another hard day as an Ace Op.

As she parked the car in the driveway she could see through the windows that no lights were on, she was a bit perplexed by this but just thought that he might be upstairs. She walked inside and turned the lights on, she called out to him as she put the bag with the ingredients onto the kitchen counter, however she didn't get a response.

Qreole: "Y/N!?" She calls out again.

But once again there was nothing but silence, leaving her really confused. Normally Qreole would come home to her boyfriend's very affectionate welcome, there wasn't a single day where he didn't do it.

She quickly goes upstairs to see if he was maybe sleeping, searching through every room told her a different story though. Concerned she goes to text him only to see that he left his scroll on the bed, instead, she decides to text one of his colleagues that he sometimes hung out with.

She immediately rushed downstairs and got her car keys again when the response came in, the colleague texted back that Y/N went to a bar after work...


Flashing lights, loud music, and even louder laughter...

This defiantly wasn't the kind of bar either her or Y/N would ever usually pick when going out to drink, which only furthered her confusion.

As she walked up to the bartender's counter in the middle of the room she could see Y/N sitting there, he was just getting a beer bottle from the bartender.

Qreole: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hmm?...oh...hi" He responds clearly drunk.

Suddenly he grabs the beer bottle and instantly starts chugging it like crazy as he leans back.

Qreole: "Woah honey...I might drink to forget some few things but even I don't drink like that..." She says looking surprised.

Y/N just ignored her and continued downing the entire bottle all at once, when he was done he just slams the bottle down onto the counter and waves at the bartender for another bottle.

Qreole: "Don't even bother, my boyfriend and I are leaving!" She declares to the bartender.

The bartender just shrugged and went to serve his customers, he couldn't see that Y/N gave him the finger.

Qreole: "Come on sweetie, let's just go home" She says pulling him out of the chair.

Y/N: "sighs Fine" He says sounding dejected.

And with that Qreole pulled him to the car...


Today was the day, Y/N was participating in a rally out in the snowy tundras far from the Kingdom's edge. It was a well-guarded secret that only his girlfriend knew about, if Ironwood or anyone else knew he might lose his job...

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