Losing Control - (Female Jaune X Male Reader)

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Jaune Fanart By: Bach Do On Twitter

Requested By: tron1982

Published On: November 23, 2020


Y/N burst open the door to our bedroom as he carried me, he put me on the bed as we undressed quickly. We are finally married, no longer was I an Arc but an L/N. Once we were naked we immediately went back to making out, as we fought for dominance Y/N starts fingering me. My mind went blank as pleasure washed over me, never was there a stale moment, either Y/N was fingering me, kissing me, sucking on my nipples, giving me love bites. After countless orgasms he finally pushed his dick into me, he kissed me as he slowly broke my barrier. 

That was 5 years ago, back before everything changed, before the world changed forever...


Julia: "TWO MORE INCOMING!!" I cried out as I aimed the turret at the incoming crafts.


Once they were in range I unleashed fire onto the Combine crafts, they started firing back but Y/N moved the jeep out of the way. It was hard to keep steady aim as the jeep went over the rubble of the area which was once Emerald Forest, eventually, I managed to shoot down one craft as it fell out of the sky, the debris was flung everywhere as it smashed into the ground.

As we entered through the gate of our hideout the base's turret fired at the remaining craft, making it go down as well, we drove straight down into the tunnel to our underground base. When we parked up in the hanger-sized garage we saw fighters running around everywhere as the alarms blared, some were tending to the injured while others were monitoring the situation outside, just another day at Black Mesa South. Exhausted Y/N and I made our way to our quarters, when we finally got there we prepared to take a shower.

Julia: "sighs When will things calm down again" I asked as I got out of my dirty clothes.

Y/N: "I know that things haven't been the same since we lost our leader, Mr. Vance, losing a leader, especially one like him is never easy, and with no news about Ms. Vance & Dr. Freeman's progress over in Solitas we just have to hope and fight until they return."

Julia: "I know, but how long do they expect us to hold out for?" I ask with my head down.

Y/N: "We'll get through it darling, we survived city 48, we'll survive this" He replies as he hugs me.

Suddenly there is a massive rumble as the intruder alarm goes off, we both quickly get into our outfits and grab our guns before rushing out. We made our way to the central hanger as we tried to listen in on the radio to find out what is going on but it only gave out static, when we arrived it looked like everyone was evacuating the place.

Before we got to even take another step there was a massive explosion sending us off our feet, when I looked up I saw...Y/N unconscious getting picked up by a Combine Advisor. I scrambled up to my feet as I picked up my gun ready to shoot only for another Advisor to pick me and restrain me against the wall.

Julia: "NO NO Y/N Y////N!!!" I screamed out in desperation as the Advisor was about to kill him.

Thankfully a woman in an old torn jacket and skirt hit the Advisor knocking Y/N out of its grasp, she caught Y/N before he hit the ground. Her hammer transformed into a rocket launcher as she fired at the Advisors killing them both instantly, I quickly ran over to Y/N after I fell to the ground, thankfully he was still alive.

Julia: "W-Who are you?" I asked looking up to the woman.

???: "Valkyrie...Nora Valkyrie" She responded with a tired look on her face.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting tron1982

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