Secrets Yet Untold - (Pyrrha X Male Reader)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: kirej7 On DeviantArt

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: April 3, 2022


Ruby: "Come on bro, we've got the tickets and everything, it wouldn't be complete without you!" She whines.

But Y/N just ignored her as he walked with Pyrrha to their apartment, his disappointed sister and half-sister trailing behind them.

Yang: "Yeah, you've always been there when we've gone to see a T-Square concert, things wouldn't be the same without you."

Y/N: "Well I suggest you better head off now or you'll miss the concert and not see it at all." He replied, knowing that he wasn't going, no matter what they said.

Ruby: "Come on bro PLEEEEEASE!?!?!?!" She begs, trying to use the puppy eyes.

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry you two but Y/N is really tired and would rather just spend some time with me right now, besides, I'm sure the concert will still be a lot of fun without him." She explains gently, hoping they would finally relent.

Ruby: sighs "Okay fine..." She says in a somber tone.

Y/N: "Glad you two could see things my way." He says as he ruffles their hair before giving each of them a hug.

Yang: "On one hand I hate it when you do that, but on the other hand I like it because it's your way of showing love." She says as she corrects her messed-up hair.

Y/N: "Now be safe you two okay?"

Ruby: "Will do, later bro, love you!" She calls out as they start walking off.

Yang: "Love you!"

Y/N: "Love you too!"

The couple finally walks into their apartment, Y/N sliding down against the door with a sigh, all his energy drained by a long and demanding day coupled with boring high school. Pyrrha just chuckles and rolls her eyes as she picks him up and sits down on the bed with him, placing his head on her chest as she starts playing with his hair.

Y/N: "I love those two, but sometimes they can be a handful." He says tiredly.

Pyrrha: "Though I can't relate directly as an only child, I get it."

Y/N: "So...we're both tired, REALLY tired, to the point where even both of our high as fuck sex drives don't activate, so what are we gonna do now?"

Pyrrha: "Just lie like this and talk?" She asks rhetorically.

Y/N: "Yep, I like that."

Pyrrha: "Only because I spoil you." She says with a smile, her hand going through his hair, making him grow ever more relaxed.

Y/N: "True, but you love spoiling me, and I spoil you too." He replies.

Pyrrha: "So when are we finally going to tell everyone?" She asks, looking at the box on the nightstand, containing both of their wedding rings.

Y/N: "I don't know, I'm still nervous and scared to do so."

Pyrrha: "Same, the fact that we've been hiding it for a while now makes it all the scarier."

Y/N: "Exactly, people are going to be blown off their rockers when they find out you've already become my Ms. Rose."

Pyrrha: "I don't think our families and friends will feel hurt by the fact we didn't invite them to our wedding, it's just-"

Y/N: "It all happened so fast I know, that vacation was just so fucking amazing, we had an amazing time during every second of it, no wonder we would decide to do a private wedding in the mids of it."

Pyrrha: "Especially since we already had no reservations or obstacles anymore, it was the perfect time for us to do it."

Y/N just lies there for a while with his eyes closed, enjoying Pyrrha's gentle touch, till suddenly his eyes snap open and he looks up at her.

Y/N: "Fuck it."

Pyrrha: "Hmm?"

Y/N: "Fuck it, tomorrow we'll just tell everyone, if they truly care for us then they will understand and not make a big deal out of it."

Pyrrha: "Alright then, I guess that's the best way to look at it." She replies, smiling as his words give her confidence.

Y/N: "But until then we have the whole evening, night, and morning to ourselves." He says before pulling her head gently down to meet her lips.

Pyrrha: "That we do, and I think I'm going to take great advantage of that~" She says, her voice gaining a heated tone.

Y/N: "What do you have in mind my dear?~" He asks, liking very much where this was going.

Pyrrha: "A very hot shower and then some nice rom-coms~"

Y/N: "Hmm~ let's get started then~"

The bathroom was going to be a mess, but they didn't care one bit, it was a problem their future selves would have to deal with...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting localpotato420

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now