The Hero I Waited For - (Seductive Yang X Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: lulu_chan92 On Twitter

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: September 18, 2021


Death...that was the only thing Y/N wished for at this point...

He's been here for a month now, all thanks to a dumb misunderstanding...

He's been homeless for years now, his parents long dead. Now he got kidnapped and taken away from his planet by 'The Claws', an infamous organization, so-called by people since their giant warships looked like deadly claws.

They falsely believe that he is a so-called Hytroid, a humanoid species with great power. Their attempts at activating and harnessing his Hytroid powers only resulted in Y/N getting badly injured, ending up as nothing more but horrid torture for him.

Now he was still lying there, strapped to a table and waiting for when they would return to continue. They had put him into a single-room-sized bunker that looked like a plain black box, something that stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of this planet's snowy countryside.

He cries out in fear when a sudden clicking noise reverberates through the bunker, though his fear was short-lived when he suddenly realizes that the power went out and the restraints opened. Confused he stares at the door only to see smoke coming out from underneath it, a very faint whining noise coming from the door.

Y/N's eyes widen when he realizes what is about to happen, he quickly covers his face and cowers down as an explosion rocks the place. The explosion destroys the entire bunker, sending Y/N flying into some debris before smacking onto the ground.

He was shaking as the pain was now ten times worst, his already injured body screaming out for sweet release. As he lied there dazed he could hear something with metallic feet walking closer to him, silently he wished for it to be someone who would help him.

He looks up afraid, only to be met with a tall figure towering over him. The metal figure just stared down at him, not saying a word or moving. The figure was metal all over, making it impossible to tell if it was a robot or a living being. The figure while looking humanoid also had a feminine design to it, covered in scratches and dents all over.

Y/N: "Hel-"

He gets cut off as the figure points the barrel of a giant arm cannon in his face, making him freeze up and cower away.

Y/N: "P-Please, I just want to g-get away from here..." He said as tears went down his cheeks.

The figure looked around the area, moving their arm cannon around in anticipation of an attack. Seeing that there was nothing dangerous around, the figure puts their left hand on their head, a clicking sound cuts into the silence, making Y/N cower back even further.

Y/N's eyes widen in wonder when he sees that what he thought was the figure's head was actually just a helmet, revealing a very cute woman underneath. The woman stares at him with her piercing red eyes as she waves her blonde ponytail back, making Y/N blush.

???: "Sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to make sure you really are who I'm looking for" She says in a husky voice that makes Y/N's blush only worst.

Y/N: "I-Its okay..." He stammers, this time from the adrenaline AND his blush.

???: "I'm Yang Xiao Long of the Aran Protection Team"

Y/N: "I-I'm Y/-"

Yang: "Y/N L/N I know, I'm here for you after all" She said making him look down as he felt quite stupid.

Y/N yelped from surprise when Yang suddenly picked him up and carried him with only her left arm while holding her arm cannon out in case of an attack, her suit to Y/N's surprise not as cold as he expected.

Yang: "Better get comfy in my hold there cutie, I had to land quite a bit away to not get immediately detected~" She says as she puts her helmet back on.

Y/N: "H-How did you know that I was here?" He asked, trying to take the focus away from his flustered response.

Yang: "I've been after you for a while after someone from your planet contacted me, though I have to say...I didn't expect you to be even cuter in person~"

Y/N: "You've been chasing after me for that long!?!"

Yang: "Actually no, I wasn't there when it happened, so I had to search for you...alone...since my partners wouldn't help."

Y/N: "What partners? and why didn't they help?" He asks now confused.

Yang: "The Aran Protection Team consists of three members, me, founder Samus Aran, and Kali Belladonna...neither of them wanted to help me in the search as in their own words "Once someone has been taken by the 'Claws' they are as good as gone" so I went alone..." She said sounding pissed off about that.

Y/N: "W-Well I'm glad you went through all of that to get me, it made all the torture worth it to see such a cute face" He responded, trying to be bold and return some of the flirting.

Yang: "Careful there cutie or I might want to keep you~"

Y/N: "I wouldn't mind, I don't have a home to return to anyway" He says surprising Yang.

Yang: "Y-You would really come with me, going all over the galaxy in my ship?" She asks completely floored.

Y/N: "Of course, you're the hero I waited for, the least I could do is help you."

Yang: "Well I'll make sure to give you the best life from here on out" She declares as she hugs him even more tightly to her chest.

And with that, the two continued through the snowy fields towards her ship, an exciting life awaiting both of them... 

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MeowChickaBowPow

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