Loveably Shy - (Team RWBY X Gamer Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: Ar_Jart On Reddit

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: June 7, 2021


It was early in the morning as the team and I sat in the cafeteria, much earlier than we would usually ever want to get up. We did it because we were waiting for someone special, someone who's an early bird and quickly disappears due to his shyness, unless you catch him that is...

...That someone, was Y/N L/N, a newcomer to Beacon.

Y/N was very shy and didn't talk very often, he was very nice but also afraid of other people. He transferred from Haven, when he first arrived he came with a woman that looked to be his age, but she left after Y/N's first day, only talking to Ozpin and Y/N a bit and not being in any of his classes.

It took us a long amount of time but we were slowly able to befriend him, we were really fond of him. That strong fondness soon grew into more and now we're preparing ourselves to finally confess to him this evening, we're certain he'll accept!

Yang: "He's here!" She suddenly says.

We all look over to where she was pointing, Y/N had just entered the cafeteria and slowly walked over to get himself some food. We looked at him the entire time till he turned around with his plate, Yang started waving at him.

We all had to force our eyes away from him, his shyness would shift into overdrive if he noticed we were staring at him the entire time. Ruby scoots over and pats the spot between us, Y/N blushes and sits down.

Y/N: "G-Good morning, how's e-everyone doing?" He asks.

Weiss: "I'm doing very good, thanks for asking." She says as she beams at him.

Yang: "Doing mighty fine." She says as she leans on the table.

Blake: "I-I'm good." I responded stuttering as I blushed from his shy but beautiful smile.

Ruby: "I'm doing amazing now that my pal is here!" She said as she gave Y/N a side hug.

Y/N: "G-Glad to hear so." He stuttered as his face became very red from Ruby's hug.

Weiss: "So Y/N do you have anything planned today?"

Y/N: "N-Not really, no."

Weiss: "Well we wanted to invite you for a sleepover."

Y/N almost choked on his food after he heard that, scared I got ready to perform the Heimlich maneuver.

Y/N: "W-What? b-but I'm a guy!" He says confused.

Yang: "Yeah but you're also our friend, we trust you."

Y/N's face once again exploded into a massive blush, it looked like he was about to faint.

Ruby: "We even got ourselves some new games, you'll love it."

Weiss: "We also got snacks and drinks."

Y/N looks surprised at all of us.

Y/N: "S-Sure, when should I come over?" He asks as he resumes eating.

Yang: "One of us will pick you up from your dorm."

Y/N: "Alright."

We continued talking for the next few minutes before he got done eating and left again, we all look at each other excited for this evening.

Everything has gone well more or less, we've successfully become friends with and gotten to know him better. We've even tried to impress him, with mixed results...

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