Celebrate - (Elm X Male Reader X Ilia)

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Elm Fanart By: y8ay8a On Reddit

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this one)

Published On: September 2, 2020


I've got the fever
And this heat's gonna last all night
Came here for treatment
But i don't see the end in sight
There's no medication
There's no drug that can cure what I have
Dance floor elation
Is the only thing that gonna make me
Feel alright
When I walk in the club and the beats so strong
Feel alright
The DJ's playing my favorite song
Feel alright
And there's no way that this feeling is wrong
Don't say maybe
Come on baby let's go crazy tonight
All night
Cuz we're not goin' home
Til we burn it up and see the morning light

I was once again at my favorite club in all of Atlas, I was watching its owner and DJ Y/N L/N singing and generally having an all-around good time at the DJ booth. I was crushing on him hard, his happy attitude, his nice treatment of everyone at the club, his H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes, and...that damm smile.

Tonight I was going to make my first move on him, when I got to the bar I saw something...amazing, it was a 'Help Wanted' poster for bartenders and/or bodyguards. I was just about to ask Christine the bartender about the poster when her attention was suddenly taken by a girl sitting to my right.

???: "Excuse me Christine but is that poster still up to date, I would love to work if it is!" She said excitedly.

She just took my chance, I'm going to strangle the fuc-

Y/N: "Hey! my two favorite customers, evening you two" He said smiling as he sat down in between me and the other girl.

???: "Well I was just asking Christine if that 'Help Wanted' poster was still current" Said the girl while getting a little too close to Y/N for my liking.

Y/N: "Sure is! so...I'm guessing you weren't able to find any places to work at?" He said while putting a hand on her shoulder.

???: "Sadly not...none are willing to employ me either cus I'm a Faunus or because I don't have the paperwork...cus of you know what." She replied looking down.

Y/N: "I getcha...well I'm glad to tell you Ilia that you get the job!" He said making her smile.

Ilia: "Oh thank you! you are the best!" She said while tightly hugging him.

Elm: "Shit" I muttered under my breath, but Y/N seems to have heard it.

Y/N: "Something wrong Elm?" He said looking at me concerned.

Elm: "O-Oh I was going to ask about the poster as well..." Looking embarrassed at the fact he heard me.

Y/N: "Oh? well that won't be a problem, I need at least two more people, so you could take the spot."

Elm: "Really? you think abo-"

Y/N: "And yes I'll hire you!... we know each other and I trust you, so I do not even have to think about it."

Y/N: "Besides...both you and Ilia have combat experience so I don't need to hire two separate bodyguards and waiters, and having the waiters be secretly the bodyguards would actually be a good way to take wrong-doers off guard" He said as he hugged both me and Ilia.

Elm+Ilia: "Who is she though?" We both asked him while pointing at each other.

Y/N: "Despite the fact that you are both my most frequent customers you somehow never saw each other huh?, well Elm meet Ilia and Ilia meet Elm!, glad to have two friends of mine meet." He said before getting up.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now