Love In Combat Class - (Glynda Goodwitch X Shy Student Male Reader)

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Glynda Fanart By: Sawasa On Reddit

Requested By: Bat117

Published On: September 10, 2020


I was going back to my dorm to study for an upcoming test that Oobleck just announced, but my mind was on something else, it was on my combat teacher Glynda Goodwitch. Ever since I transferred over here from Mistral the combat class has always been my favorite since it was so much fun, mostly however because of how nice the teacher is. My friends and other students often talked about how I was the first person that she acted nice to and how she was usually quite cold and strict, but with how nice she is I couldn't imagine her acting like that. It didn't take me long to develop feelings for her, but due to my shy nature, I didn't confess, or at least not yet.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when somebody shoved me up against the wall, of course, it was none other than Cardin and his team.

Cardin: "Hey limp dick! My team and I got a job for you, we have some more homework for you to do." He said as he shoved some papers into my face.

These assholes always demanded that I do their work or I'll get beaten up, usually in order to avoid conflict I'll just do it but I was so sick of it at this point.

Y/N: "If you never do it y-yourself then you aren't going to learn anything" I said, trying to appear as confident as possible.

Cardin: "I don't fucking care, now you'll do it or else I'll smash your fucking face in!" He cried out while getting up into my face.

Y/N: "That will just get you into more trouble." I replied. He was about to respond when Glynda arrived and once she spotted us she was less than pleased, more like livid.


Cardin just growled annoyed and before I could react he punched me in the face knocking me out.


When I woke up I saw that I was in somebody's dorm, the dorm was much larger than they usually are. After a bit of noise from another room, I saw Glynda entering, when she saw that I was awake she quickly came over.

Glynda: "How are you feeling?"

Y/N: "B-Better, but still a bit of a headache."

Glynda: "Don't worry I saw to it that Cardin and his punks got expelled, they could never become true Huntsmen anyways" She said as she gave me a glass of water.

Y/N: "T-Thanks, I-I always hear from other people about how strict and scary you are, but you are the nicest person I ever met" I said making her blush.

Glynda: "I-I admit I'm usually much more strict with my students, I'm so nice to you because I...I love you!" She finally blurted out at the end, making her blush get even worst.

I was shocked, I never thought that she would feel the same.

Y/N: "I-I love you two P-Professor." I replied.

Glynda: "Please call me Glynda, now rest'll want to be all healthy for our date." She said smiling at me.


Glynda was eagerly pulling me into her house, we were just coming from my graduation party.

Y/N: "I didn't know you were this excited, you're almost more excited about my graduation than me!"

Glynda: "It's time I give you a gift for being such a good boy~" She said with a red face.

Y/N: "I think that's the alcohol talking, maybe you should take a nap" I said trying to get her to slow down, but she just continued pulling me to the bedroom.

Glynda: "I wanted you to fuck my brains out ever since we got together and I'm not waiting any longer, I bet behind that shy exterior hides a massive dick!" She said as she pushed me down onto the bed after we entered the bedroom.

Y/N: "A-Are you sure? I mean we-" I tried to reason with her but she just put her fingers on my lips.

Glynda: "Honey just enjoy this, this is my gift to you for being such an amazing boyfriend." She said before giving me a deep kiss, after she bit on my lower lips a couple of times I let her in and she instantly dominated my mouth.

As we were kissing, she quickly took my pants and underwear off and started stroking my dick making me moan into the kiss.

Glynda: "You were hiding all of that from me? naughty boy~" She said as she looked at my dick.

Before I could respond she went and took my entire dick into her mouth making me grow even harder, despite the occasional choking she seemed to enjoy it. At this point I couldn't protest anymore, even if she was drunk this feels too good! It wasn't long before I came and she drank all of it, as soon as she was done she started undressing.

Glynda: "That was just the beginning, you still need to fuck my brains out till I can't walk anymore." She said as she took off my shirt.

Once we were both naked we didn't waste any time and immediately she impaled herself on my shaft, she started riding it as if her life depended on it.

Her moans, the sight of her bouncing on me, the whole experience was just stoking the fires of my inner lust and soon I couldn't help it anymore. I grabbed her hips and started thrusting up into her harder and harder.

Glynda: "OHHH YESS TAKE CONTROL BABY!! FUCKING USE ME!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

It ended up being a long and exhausting night, but one I would never regret. After I graduated I became a combat teacher at Beacon like Glynda and I now teach the combat class with her together, needless to say, my friends like Team RWBY were pretty scared for what their remaining years at Beacon would entail once they heard the news. Glynda and I loved working together and we would even make bets on who would scare and/or intimidate the most students, it was always a lot of fun. Thanks to Glynda I also gained a lot more confidence and started being less shy.

Best Combat Class - 10/10

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Bat117

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