I'll Never Abandon You! - (Cheater RWY X Male Reader X Blake)

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Blake Fanart By: anonamos701 On DeviantArt

Requested By: gridcz1

Published On: October 7, 2020


I felt like I was on cloud nine as I was sitting in a restaurant with my boyfriend of 2 years, everything around me seemed to fade as Y/N became the only thing I could see. I started dating Y/N after he transferred from Haven and became Team RWBY's fifth member, I wasn't the only one dating Y/N though as the rest of my team had also fallen for him and returned all of our feelings.

Y/N and I along with the rest of the team have been spending the last few weeks doing tests and lots of studying as in just a couple of weeks we would graduate, if it wasn't for Y/N I would have long since lost my shit worrying about if I could do it or not, but he always helped me calm down and made getting through all of this easy.

After all of the hard work, Y/N decided to take me on a one-on-one day-long date where we did all kinds of different things and he'll take every chance to spoil me, and the following days he was going to do the same for the others. Now we were at a restaurant late in the evening to finish off this amazing date day, I got surprised when Y/N suddenly kissed me taking me out of my thoughts.

Y/N: "Remnant to angel, the food is here!" He said with his amazing smile.

Blake: "You always find the best ways to make me listen~" I said with a massive blush.

Y/N: "What can I say? our lips just love meeting each other."

The food was amazing and soon we were done as Y/N paid for it all, as he was about to talk to me his smile dropped as he looked across the room to something else. I looked behind my seat and gasped as I saw RWY having a triple date with Jaune, Neptune, and Sun.

I let out a gasp as I was frozen in shock, how could they do this to Y/N?

I turned around after I heard some noise and saw Y/N storming out of the restaurant.

I looked over to those cheating whores again and was about to rip them apart till I decided it wasn't worth it and Y/N took priority.

I cursed under my breath and quickly ran after Y/N, I found him sitting on the ground around the corner crying and shaking.

Blake: "Y/N..." I said as I was about to touch his shoulder to console him until he looked up.

Y/N: "A-Are you dating s-someone else two?" He asked me with such an awfully heartbroken expression.

Blake: "N-No I am not da-"

Y/N: "P-Please tell me the truth..." He said as he looked back down and started shaking even more.

Y/N: "Why wasn't I good enough, what did I do wrong? this is all my fault isn't it?" He said as his breathing grew increasingly more rapid.

I sat down beside him and took both of his checks in my hands and smashed our lips together, it took him a second but he deepened the kiss.

Blake: "Y/N...I'm never going to abandon you like that, I want to marry and grow old with you!" I said as I started crying as well.

Y/N didn't say anything but just hugged me tightly burrowing his head in the crook of my neck as I stroked his hair and rocked back and forth, we did this for a couple of minutes as he let all of his tears out before he spoke up again.

Y/N: "I knew there had to be a reason why I loved you the most and why you seemed special amongst you four, I'm sorry, I should have never doubted you." He said muffled into the hug.

Blake: "It's okay...you just had to witness a horrible thing, if I was in your position I would have probably acted the same." I said as we both got up and walked away from the restaurant.

Blake: "How about we just get some ice cream, snuggle up in bed at your dorm, and then watch some F/S, how does that sound?"

Y/N: "Sounds fantastic" He answered with a smile as he put his head on my shoulder.



Blake and I have graduated from Beacon and we both took the money we had saved up to buy a house on Menagerie or at least that was the plan until Blake's parents heard about it and told us we could live with them and that they weren't taking no for an answer, after an expansion to Blake's room to make it bigger for both of us to live in there we moved in. As Menagerie was so far away no hunters ever really made their way there and worked any missions, so when we moved there we became Menagerie's first 2 huntsmen of their own. Due to the huntsmen situation, we never had a problem finding work, however, we weren't flooded by it either.

After being in a relationship for so long I had decided to propose to Blake, I proposed on one of our dates when we were at a festival. Blake's parents already make me call them mom and dad so imagine the reaction they had when they heard I had proposed, they were absolutely flipping their shit that their ship was going full force towards the next level and even started calling Blake Ms. L/N until I surprised them by asking Blake if I could take on her surname.

The wedding turned out pretty massive as the entirety of Menagerie heard the news resulting in a lot of people coming to the wedding as they wanted to wish us all the best after we did so much to help Menagerie.

And when RWY came back a couple of weeks after the wedding and begged me to take them back after their boyfriends cheated on them Blake and I just laughed, showed them the finger, and closed the door...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting gridcz1

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