More Than Meets The Eyes - (Team ENHY X Male Reader)

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Elm & Harriet Fanart By: Misa_RWBY On Reddit

Requested By: Latinoheat619619

Published On: October 21, 2020


Y/N has been down lately and nothing that I or the others do is able to cheer him up, he wouldn't talk to us either. He would go out at night to the shed in the back yard and he wouldn't come out till morning. We can't get in the shed as he locks it whenever he isn't in there himself, at this point, we have stopped asking about the shed as he just seems to grow extra sad at the mention of it.

Right now I was with the other girls in the living room trying to figure out a way to get Y/N out of this slump, thankfully Y/N was right now over at Reese's to play some GameCube with her.

Harriet: "I say we just bust into the shed and finally see what it is!" She says as she slams her fists together.

Yang: "Or we could just try and find the key to it"

Nora: "No use, he always keeps his keys on him..."

Elm: "I don't know if it's a good idea to breach his privacy like that..." I said unsure.

Harriet: "But he doesn't give us any other choice, besides we are doing this for his good."

Elm: "I guess, but I was never a part of this if he finds out about this, you got that?" I said pointing my finger at them,

Nora: "Yea yea, less talking more busting into the shed!" She said about to run out of the room until Yang caught her shoulder.

Yang: "Not so fast there, we can't bust in with the might of a lightning bolt, whatever is in there must be important to Y/N, not to mention that we can't investigate if we destroy everything" She explained as Nora slumped down.

Nora: "Fine..."

We all made our way into the backyard and Yang shot the lock apart with Ember Celica, it took all of us to push the door open as without the lock the door wouldn't get opened using the electronics.

Everyone: "Whoah..."

We were all in awe at the amount of stuff in the shed, we only expected a couple of pieces of furniture at best and some tools. In the shed were a bunch of trophies and the walls were plastered with newspaper articles all detailing wins at races, all of them were off Y/N.

Yang: "There are hundreds of prizes in here!" She exclaimed in shock as she slowly examined each and every single one of them.

Nora moved over to the giant object under tarps and slowly started uncovering it, once she saw what was underneath it she quickly pulled it over revealing the race car that was in all the newspapers and photos littered all over the place. It was a black Hudson Hornet with old-school red racing rims, it had curved dark red racing stripes on its side, and the number 97.

Harriet: "Sweet ride!"

Nora: "Yea...but why would Y/N hide all this?"

Yang: "I have an idea, look at this article."

She showed us an old newspaper with the headline 'LOCAL LEGEND CRASHED AT SPRINGFORD!!' It showed an image of the car badly damaged and on its side with smoke coming from it.

We all read through the article and came to the same grave realizations...

We met Y/N 10 years ago at Beacon when we were in our final year, he was meeting his sister Velvet, he was a pretty laid back and quiet guy but very sweet and we asked him out that day. After a couple of dates, we made our relationship official and after only 2 years we had married, we moved in with him as he already had a house of his own. Y/N often tried to do things on his own despite the fact he was in a wheelchair, but he slowly over time accepted our help with more and more things, we never asked him about it cus we didn't want to open any possible wounds of the past. Now all these weird things from over the years make sense, he was a race driver, an incredibly famous one at that and then he crashed one race, 7 years before he met us.

The article says the crash happened on August 8, 2015, and it also says how since he was admitted to the hospital nobody in the racing scene has heard of him since.

Yang: "The public never found out that the crash crippled him..." She says looking away.

Y/N: "No they didn't, I did everything in my power so they wouldn't" He says surprising us as he was in his wheelchair at the entrance of the shed.

Nora: "But why never tell us? why hide...all of this?" She asks as she gestures to all the stuff in the room.

Y/N: "After I knew I would never be out on the track again I just wanted to forget, I wanted to forget and never think of it again..." He says grimly as he wheels himself inside.

Harriet: "Why were you these past few weeks going in here for the night? we are worried sick since clearly, something has been eating away at you!" She sternly asks as she marches in front of him.

Y/N: "...I miss it, I miss being out on the track, and I couldn't bring myself to talk to you all about it...I'm sorry" He says as he starts tearing up.

Elm: "Hey it's okay, at least now we know and now you can come to us whenever you need to talk about it" I replied as I pat his head.

Nora: "Could you...maybe tell us some stories of your time as a racer?" She asks shyly, afraid of upsetting him.

Y/N: "That massive crate behind you, pick it up, and let's get into the house." He answered with a small smile.

Nora: "Yes Sir!" She answers while soluting before picking up the crate and slowly carrying it as it was very heavy.

Y/N: "Oh and before I forget to say it, you are going to fix the lock..." He says as I push him back towards the house.

Elm: "Fair..."

Yang: "I knew that was coming..."

And with that came a long night of watching old film reels of a racing legend...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Latinoheat619619

NOTE: Team ENHY stands for Enthusiasm

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