Mentor Of Four - (Summer X Male Reader)

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Summer Fanart By: Seshirukun On Twitter

Requested By: ShaneEe358

Published On: October 1, 2020


My husband Y/N and I met back when we attended Beacon, we were so in love that we married before we even graduated. After graduation, we bought a house on Patch together and had a daughter which we called Ruby, but our lives would take an unexpected turn only a couple of months after Ruby was born.

On our way home one day late in the afternoon we walked past an alley when we heard crying, we saw 3 cribs with babies in them, there were a bunch of booze bottles laying all-around, some shattered, others still intact...

That day we decide to take those three girls in and adopt them, we never found out where they came from, we only found out their names as they were on a couple of items that were in their cribs.

We were upfront and honest to them from the beginning as we raised them that we found them and that I didn't give birth to them, but despite that, they still treated and loved each other as if they were all from the same blood.


The girls and I were resting after another round of hour-long training, they have gotten incredibly strong with their weapons and semblances in a really short time.

Y/N: "Overall, today's training went really well, at this rate you won't even have to enter a huntsmen academy but rather just take the test to get the license."

Weiss: "Really?" She asked looking hopeful.

Y/N: "Of course! you all have worked so hard and given it your everything and you already have been able to skip combat school so why not?" I said as I hugged her from the side.

Ruby: "Hugging time!" She called out before hugging my other side as suddenly Yang hugged me from behind and Blake hugged me from the front. We lost our balance and fell off the bench making us fall onto the ground as we all started to laugh.

Summer: "I take it that training went more than well?" She said as she came with a tray of some milkshakes.

Weiss: "Dad said we might be able to skip going to a huntsmen academy at the level we are going!"

Summer: "I believe so two, now to cool you all down after training I got everyone some cold milkshakes."

Everyone took their favorite flavor, Blake and Ruby took berry, Yang and Weiss took vanilla, Summer and I took chocolate.

Yang: "Another round of Gran Turismo? yesterday I got a new car." She said looking at the others.

Blake: "It's on!" She replied looking determined.

Weiss: "I still think I have the best car, nothing beats my modded DeLorean!" She said looking proud.

Ruby: "I going to wipe the road with you all!" She cried out as they all got up and raced into the house.

When we walked back inside we saw the four girls laughing as they were playing Gran Turismo.

Yang: "I'm gonna win again for sure!" She said all smug.

Weiss: "No way sis! I'm gonna take first place this time, I trained since the last time".

Blake: "I still haven't bought a new car"

Ruby: "I have! you will all be brought to your knees by my new monster machine!"

Summer and I laughed at the antics of our girls, I was about to join them when Summer tucked on my sleeve.

Summer: "Why don't we take a bath together~" She whispered into my ear.

I of course quickly joined her upstairs in the bathtub...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting ShaneEe358

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now