A Rich Team - (Cinder X Male Reader)

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Cinder Fanart By: carcarchu On DeviantArt

Requested By: Ashsatoketchum118

Published On: December 18, 2021


It was a cloudy and windy afternoon, a storm about to roll through the area. On the side of a lonely countryside road stood a broken-down car, a clueless woman looking at the engine, this wasn't just any woman though, this was Cinder Fall...a woman that was known across Remnant for being even richer than the Schnee family.

She lived in Mistral and wasn't often seen by the public, being more of a reclusive person. Unlike the Schnee Family or your stereotypical billionaire, the public had no problem with her, she wasn't racist, she wasn't an asshole, neither did her company do shady, fucked up things, she was just simply a rich woman.

Cinder turns around when she hears something rustling behind her, at first she thought it was just the wind going through the trees and bushes, but she decided to investigate when she saw something shiny for a second.

She bent down to look at the tree an-

???: "Got ya..."

A dirty and crazy-looking woman has pulled Cinder into a chokehold, Cinder tried to get out of it but couldn't, the shiny thing turning out to be her knife, now pressed up against Cinder's right cheek.

???: "Now I want you to give me all your money Fall!" She barks at her.

Cinder: "I-I only have a v-valuable shipment in the trunk." She chokes out.

The woman pulls Cinder roughly with her, not stopping till they were by the trunk. She rips the keys out of Cinder's hands, quickly opening the trunk before pushing Cinder to the ground.

???: "Stay down there, if you try anything I'll kill you."

The woman pulls up the trunk carpet to get to what she assumed to be the shipment, but before she could pull it out she was kicked in the back and then stuffed into the trunk, getting locked in.

Cinder: "Thanks Y/N." She says as she finally gets off the ground and pats the dirt off her dress.

Y/N: "No problem, now let's get this thug to the police."

Cinder: "Could we stop for some milkshakes along the way?"

Y/N: "Why not?" He replies as he turns off the fake smoke in the engine compartment and closes the bonnet.

Cinder: "Good, I'm craving their vanilla ones right now." She says as they both get into the car.

What started out with Y/N rescuing Cinder after she got kidnapped, has now led to them being a couple and beating anyone trying to mess with her or her company...even if that sometimes meant putting herself in compromising positions, not that she doubted Y/N's ability to protect her.

Y/N: "Do you want to get some burgers as well?"

Cinder: "Only if we can stock up on wine."

Y/N: "I'll buy all of the store's wine supply if I have to, my burger cravings can get just as bad as your milkshake and wine cravings."

Cinder: "Let's not go overboard my wolfy, filling up the rear seats with wine will be enough."

And so they continued down the road, ignoring the occasional sounds made by the woman in the trunk...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Ashsatoketchum118

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