A Naughty Team Of Three - (Ciel X Male Reader X Penny)

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Ciel Fanart By: Ravenarc33 On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: April 14, 2021


I close the boot of my 1959 Dodge Royal quietly, I sneak my way over to the property crouching. I look around to see if I can spot any lights on inside, thankfully it seemed like they already had all gone to bed. I take out my lockpick kit and start working on the lock, can't be loud now, I'll have to keep the advantage of surprise. After a minute of fiddling the door finally unlocks, quietly I enter and slowly make my way up the stairs after I saw the living room empty. I load my gun before kicking the bedroom door down, the couple jerks up and screams, I simply open fire on the redhead and blonde until their Auras shatter and their bodies get riddled with bullets.

After that I go and kick down the door on the other side of the hall, I didn't see anyone, but listening carefully I could hear something. I step forward and kick the bed making it move back a bit, revealed underneath were two kids, before they have a chance to run I riddle them with bullets until their Auras shattered as well.

Two redheads and two blondes, exactly as my client said. With my job done I leave the house and put my stuff back into my trunk. With a growl, the engine starts up and I drive away, after a few minutes of driving I stop in the middle of the woods.

After a few seconds of waiting two people enter and sit beside me, Ciel and Penny look at me happily and give me a kiss each.

Y/N: "On my end, everything went well, exactly as many as Ms. Branwen said would be in the house."

Ciel: "We looked for Mr. Branwen all throughout Signal, he was not there."

Y/N: "Alright then he'll probably be around Beacon or Vale somewhere" I said as I continued driving.

As we drove to the port to get the car across the water to Vale I started thinking about how I met my two wives...


I was sprinting down the halls, any guards unfortunate enough to meet me were quickly taken care of. I had stolen some data of Atlas's newest AK models, now I need to get the fuck out of here if I want for my anus to stay intact.

Finally, I reach the end of the wing and get outside, right as I step outside I'm met with the sight of a firing squad who were getting ready to shoot one of their own who was tied up against the wall. I shoot one of them making the rest turn around, I quickly get behind cover and slowly start picking them off, when they moved over to my position I chucked a grenade at them, body parts went flying high went it went off.

I quickly run over and untie the person, it was a girl. I pulled her along running away, I could already hear more troops coming as the outside alarm started blaring as well.

???: "Thanks for the help there!" She said smiling.

Y/N: "No problem, I bet whatever reason they had for wanting to shoot you was bullshit anyway"

???: "Sure was, claimed I was a traitor just because I wouldn't kill the enemy while they were unarmed."

Y/N: "I'm Y/N L/N by the way, kinda stole something here" I joked.

???: "Ciel Soleil, mind if I tag along?"

Y/N: "Well I wasn't going to leave you here anyway."

We reached the gate, I pressed a button on my scroll and the thing was blown to bits. I was relieved to see that they hadn't spotted the charges that I placed down when I snuck in. We ran through the debris and got into my Dodge, with squealing tires we set off onto the road.


It was the middle of the night, Ciel and I were slowly prowling our way through the harbor until we finally reached the container we were looking for. Our job was to get some weapon prototypes from Atlas that were getting shipped over, Ciel started working on the electric lock while I turned the car around to make loading into the boot easier.

The container opened...revealing a ginger woman, she had bruises and cuts all over her, her clothes were heavily torn.

???: "Oh hello, you're not here to rescue me are you?" She asked surprisingly calmly.

Y/N: "Uhhh...yeah we are" I said confused.

Ciel started to get all the things we needed out and into the car, I meanwhile picked the woman up and carefully put her into the car, I got out my first aid kit and started treating her wounds.

???: "I'm soo glad to finally be out of there, the Atlesians weren't nice."

Y/N: "What did they want with you anyways, not to mention why were you in a container?"

???: "I'm an orphan so they took me in only for them to say that they want to experiment on me, turn me into some kind of weapon."

Y/N: "So that's why you were shipped off and so inhumanly too?"

???: "Yeah..."

Y/N: "Well you're free now and if you want you can come with us, though I'll have to warn you that we are criminals who steal and kill."

???: "You both seem like really nice people so I don't have a problem with that, rather this than being alone."

Y/N: "Oh sorry I forgot, my name is Y/N and this is my friend and partner Ciel" I introduced as Ciel walked over.

???: "I'm Penny, glad to meet you" She said smiling as she shook both our hands.


After that, they stayed with me and I continued doing my work with their help. They adapted to this new lifestyle surprisingly quickly and grew a lot stronger over time. It wasn't long for us to fall for each other and enter a relationship, things happened quicker than we could have ever expected we got very close, very quickly.

I cheered making the girls chuckle as I see that the ship was already at the port, waiting could have taken forever otherwise. The girls get out and go to get us a room, I meanwhile park the car and pay for it.

When I get to the room the girls were already nude and in bed, them preferring to sleep nude is definitely a plus.

As I laid down cuddled by Ciel and Penny my mind takes me to dreamland, dreaming about a moment two years ago...


After an especially exhausting mission we decided to take a break and relax, we decided to go to Mistral for that. We're staying in a coastal city further out, right now we were just relaxing at a cliffside, watching the sea and enjoying the breeze.

While they were looking away I quickly got the two ring boxes out and opened them, I get down on one knee and cough to make them look back. Their eyes widened to dinner plates when they saw the rings, nervous but confident I start speaking.

Y/N: "You two are the most important thing in my life, you've saved my life and helped me countless times, will you make me the happiest man in Remnant and marry me?"

They both squealed and glomped me in a giant group hug making us all fall onto the ground, chuckling I placed the rings on their finger.


I was taken out of my dream sweaty and breathing heavily, when I looked down I could see why. My two wives were having fun and sucking and licking their favorite piece of candy.

Y/N: "If you were that heated you could have just said so" I said getting my clothes off.

Soon all of our clothes were on the ground and the soundproofing was tested to its max, if anyone heard we'll know the next morning...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting HopeTheAssassin

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