That Man Is Mine! - (Neon X Male Reader X Blake)

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Neon & Blake Fanart By: NimbusDayDream On Reddit

Requested By: @Latinoheat619619

Published On: September 30, 2020


I have been at Beacon for a couple of weeks now and things have been...interesting to say the least, and certainly more eventful than I asked for. I fell in love with two students, Neon Katt and Blake Belladonna, both are cat faunus. It turns out the feeling is mutual and they both love me back, but things quickly turned into a war as both of them would always fight each other when either made even the smallest move on me. I loved both of them and couldn't choose so I chose not to interfere with their fights, I mean how bad can it get?

I was woken by the bell as everyone including me quickly rushed out not wanting to hear any more of Port's ramblings.

I was walking to my dorm to drop off my books before going for some snacks at the cafeteria when suddenly Neon came towards me with a...most lustful expression.

Neon: "Hey there big boy~" She said with a low tone as she pressed herself against me forcing me up to the wall.

Y/N: "H-Hey Neon" I didn't think she would ever get so frisky.

Neon: "How about we go and get ourselves a nice room in a hotel in Vale?, I'll pay~" She asked as she trailed a couple of fingers up and down my jawline.

Y/N: "I-I don-" I was cut off when Neon was suddenly thrown off me by Blake.

Blake: "What do you think you are doing?" She questioned looking annoyed.

Neon: "None of your business Belladonna!" She snapped back going from seductive to livid in a second.

Blake: "You are clearly making him uncomfortable, not to mention sexually assaulting him"

Neon: "That isn't sexual assault and you know it, you are just trying to get him for yourself!"

As the shouting grew louder I just left and made my way to my dorm...



I was staring at Y/N again as he was sitting with Team CFVY and his angelic laughter could be heard from here and stoked the flame in my heart, I just fell ever deeper in love with him the more I stared at him and his piercing E/C eyes.

Blake: "That dragon ass is gonna be mine~" I muttered to myself as I could feel myself heat up.

Unfortunately, my daydreaming was cut short when somebody suddenly slammed their hand on the table directly in front of my face, of course, it was none other than Neon.

Neon: "Think again you whore! I'm going to get his love! you can go looking somewhere else, those lovely abs are mine!" She said looking confident as always.

Blake: "Says the cunt who was literally throwing herself at him a few hours ago!" I replied angrily standing up.

Neon: "SAY THAT AGAIN!!" She cried out looking livid.

Blake: "You are a fucking cunt!" I said getting right in her face.

Neon: "WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT A WHITE FANG SLUT!!" She said as she slapped me.

Blake: "THAT'S IT!!! I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU AND YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!" I said absolutely furious as I took out Gambol Shroud, Neon followed suit and took her weapon out as well.


We were both about to charge each other and rip the other to shred when suddenly Y/N came in between us and held his hands up.

Y/N: "I'M NOT GOING TO CHOOSE BETWEEN YOU TWO!!" He shouted as we both looked surprised.

Blake: "What!?!"

Neon: "Are you gay or has some other skank already seduced you?" She asked as she looked around the cafeteria for said skank.

Y/N: "W-What?!? No! I've been in fucking love with both of you for a long time now and I couldn't possibly choose between you two, not to mention that I'm not worth fighting and killing each other over." He said.

Blake: "Oh...I see" I mumbled as I looked down defeated.

Neon: "Then we can share you!" She cried out suddenly looking desperate taking both me and Y/N of guard.

Y/N: "W-Would...Would you both be truly okay with that?" He asked still looking surprised.

Blake: "I-I would be!" I said quickly stepping forward.

Y/N: "And you both promise that there won't be any more fighting?"

Blake+Neon: "YES!! WE PROMISE!!" We both shouted hugging on one of his arms each.

Y/N didn't say anything but instead took both of our hands and lead us out of the cafeteria.

Neon: "W-Where are we going?" She asks flushed from his straightforwardness

Y/N: "Now that this entire mess has been figured out I'm taking both of my lovely girlfriends on a date." He said with a smile making both of us blush dark red.

And that ended up being the first of many dates, each better than the last...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thanks for requesting @Latinoheat619619

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