Let Me Pick Up Your Heart - (Team TRQW & SPN X Male Reader X Olivia & Glynda)

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Nora Fanart By: ecru On Reddit

Requested By: MarcMorning01

Published On: October 20, 2020


The sun was shining bright as Y/N L/N, young huntsmen in training, was making his way through Vale on a wonderful morning, he felt like he could take the world on. Y/N was currently in his final year at Beacon and has been dating Team RWBY and NDGO for the last half-year, he was surprised when both teams each asked him out but after talking with them they both agreed to share him and so he would always spend one week with RWBY and then the other with NDGO, he felt like the luckiest man in the world and couldn't be happier. Though it has only been six months Y/N has already been considering marriage, so far he hasn't found any rings yet he thought suited the girls, so he was still holding off on the confession. The Vytal Festival was also taking place in a couple of weeks and he was excited to see the stadium and meet the huntsmen and huntresses from other academies, he's also been helping his girlfriends train, he was certain that they were going to win as they were the top teams in Beacon.

Right now he was at a coffee shop getting his daily cappuccino.

Y/N was just about to leave to go back to Beacon when...

???: "Excuse me Sir, are you from around here?" Asked a female voice from behind Y/N.

When Y/N turned around he saw four women his age all with vastly different styles, the tallest with white hair was the one who asked him.

Y/N: "Sure am, are you here for the Vytal Festival?" He asked suspecting them to be huntresses in training as they had weapons on them.

???: "Actually yes, we are from Atlas and haven't been to Beacon before."

Y/N: "I could show you around Ma'am, my name is Y/N L/N, I attend Beacon" He introduced himself as he shook hands with the white-haired woman, she was blushing but he didn't notice that.

???: "I'm Winter Schnee and this is my Team, glad that we asked a fellow hunter."

Quinn: "I'm Quinn Branwen and this my sister Raven, the blonde over there is, unfortunately, our leader Talia Xiao Long"

Raven: "Sup..."

Talia: "HEY!" She shouted out as she crossed her arms like a child.

Winter: "We are Team TRQW, glad to meet you Mr. L/N" She said with a smile.

Y/N: "Glad to meet you, ladies, as well, please just call me Y/N though."

And so for the rest of the day till into the afternoon Y/N hung out with TRQW and showed them around Vale and even Beacon, they had a great time together with lots of jokes and laughter. Winter was the prime and proper one of the group but she still knew how to have fun, Quinn was the wacky one and she loved to drink, her sister Raven would often get annoyed by her antics but it was obvious that she deep down cared for her sis, Talia was very upbeat and cheerful, together they create quite the colorful and interesting team.

It was in the afternoon when Y/N looked at the clock and noticed he was going to be late for his date with NDGO if he wouldn't go now, he had so much fun at this cafe with TRQW that he completely lost track of time.

Y/N: "Well I have had a great time getting to know you ladies but I'm afraid I'll have to leave now for my date with my girlfriends, here's my scroll number though so we can stay in touch!" He said as all the girls felt their heart break in two.

Raven: "So he's taken..." She says as she lowers her head to the table as soon as Y/N was out of earshot.

Winter: "It is a shame..."

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