Lady Hope - (Blake X Quiet Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: turanszkij On Reddit

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: February 22, 2021


He was always quiet, he always kept his distance from people. Blake had been wondering about him for a while now, he was never noticed and yet notably different from everyone else. Y/N L/N had captured Blake's attention, she admittedly has fallen for the young man. She has spent more of her free time watching him from afar than she would like to admit, she liked a good mystery, a cute one at that.

Yang: "Watching him again?" She asked surprising Blake.

Blake: "W-What?-no, not at all." She replied as she averted her eyes from Y/N.

Yang: "I don't understand what you see in him."

Blake: "What do you mean?"

Yang: "Well...he isn't exactly...normal." She said, scratching the back of her head.

Blake: "There is no such thing as normal." She said offended by her words.

Yang: "Easy there kitten, I'm just saying that he might not be the best dating option."

Blake: sighs "Whatever..." She walked away.

Y/N usually wasn't noticed, not that he wanted to be anyways, but whenever he was the topic of discussion then people would talk badly about him. Y/N was just known as the weird freak, which was only made worst by the fact that he was the only one that didn't have a team, no one knew why Ozpin still let him in.

As she left her thoughts Blake noticed that Y/N was leaving, interested in finally talking with him she followed him. He was moving rather quickly through the halls resulting in her almost losing him several times, eventually, she spotted him entering the library, when she walked in herself he was suddenly gone.

Blake finally spotted him in a corner, completely hidden away from the rest of the room by all the shelves. He was huddled up, looking like he was cold, he was using his jacket as a blanket. When he noticed Blake walking up he flinched, Blake noticed but didn't comment on it.

Blake: "Hey Y/N, could I speak to you for a second?"

Y/N: "Sure, how can I help you?" He typed out on his scroll.

Blake: "Are you mute?" She asked confused, not being aware he was.

Y/N: "No I'm not." He typed out.

Blake: "Well then why are you typing? not that I mind, I would just like to hear your voice."

Y/N: "I don't talk unless asked because I do not want to be hit..." He spoke as he put away his scroll.

Blake: "Why would you think that I would hit you?"

Y/N: "My parents did, the people on the streets did, and people generally don't like me." He said in a factual tone.

Blake: "Your parents hit you?!" She asked bewildered.

Y/N: "Yeah, I wasn't supposed to be born, they didn't want me around, I could never defend myself..."

Blake: "Is this still going on?"

Y/N: "No...I ran away, I lived for years on the streets till I came here, the people on the streets were just like them though."

Blake: "So why did you come to Beacon and why do you not have a team?"

Y/N: "I came to Beacon not to become a Huntsmen, but to have the best possible chance at defending myself from anyone, so I will never be hurt again..."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now