Confess Already! - (Cheater RWBY X Singer Male Reader X Fem CFVY)

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Velvet Fanart By: Dishwasher1910 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: January 1, 2022


The crowd was cheering and going absolutely crazy in anticipation, the popular band CFVY had finally come to Mistral for a performance. Behind the stage in the VIP room was a woman waiting for the star band, she was Kelly L/N, and she was out on a mission...

Her brother was hurt and now she was going to fix this mess...


Kelly stopped shouting at Team RWBY when their dorm door opened and they heard a gasp along with something shattering on the ground, the four cheaters grew pale when they saw Y/N and his four semblance clones of them behind him. The clones all had horrified expressions on their faces, they all shattered as the dissolving pieces get carried out the window by the wind.

None of them knew what to say to him as he just stood there looking devasted, tears endlessly running down his face. Ruby stepped forward a bit, she was just as clueless as the others on what to say, but she needed to do something, anything to salvage this situation.

Ruby: "Y/N I-"

She was cut off when his aura shattered and he collapsed to the ground unconscious, the girls just stared at his body, frozen by what just happened. They were broken out of their trance when Kelly quickly runs up to Y/N to check on him.

Kelly: "sighs Thank're alive." She mutters to herself when she can feel a pulse.

Not even talking to the four she simply picks him up and hurries off to the medbay, hoping her brother was going to be all right.


Y/N jerked up scared when he heard the door open, in came one of Beacon's former teams and his best friends. Coco Adel, Felicia Alistair, Velvet Scarlatina, and Yasmina Daichi, together they had made up Team CFVY, till they decided to drop out and pursue music instead.

The four women looked at the living room as it was only lit by what little light bled over from the kitchen, Y/N smoking quietly as his friends looked at him concerned.

Felicia: "Hey Y/N."

Coco: "What's up."

Velvet: "Evening."

Yasmina: "Hi."

Y/N: "Hey..." He croaks out, voice hoarse.

Coco: "We haven't seen you around for a while, why didn't you tell us that you're living with your sister now?" She asked totally confused.

Y/N: "Because it wasn't planned..." He says in a broken tone as he continued to smoke, not looking at her.

Coco: "Not plan-"

Velvet: "I was wondering if you would like to come to our place, we wanted to do some music practice." She asks as she cut Coco off, giving her team leader a look to indicate that now wasn't the time to be privy.

Y/N: "...No thank you." He answered, surprising them as he usually always joins them helping them with the creation of new songs and singing along.

Felicia: "Oh...uh, well we can just talk, that's fine."

Velvet: "But hey when you do feel like it, you can come over more often now that you live in Vale and not too far from our place, if your schedule at Beacon allows it that is." She says as her fingers fidget around.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now