Visit To Beacon - (Abusive Neglectful Weiss X Male Reader X Caring Winter)

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Winter Fanart By: sasora On Reddit

Requested By: Bat117

Published On: September 4, 2020


I was on my way to surprise my sister and her boyfriend/my friend Y/N at her dorm in Beacon, when I arrived the rest of her teammates and Y/N were there but Weiss wasn't.

Yang: "Weiss should be here in a moment, she was just getting something she forgot in class." She said before she left with Blake and Ruby.

Winter: "So how is it going between you and Weiss?" I asked as I sat down on the bed beside him.

Y/N: "It's...going good" He said while tensing up.

When Weiss came into the room Y/N flinched, and he avoided eye-contact with me.

Weiss: "Winter! I'm so glad to see you" She said as she hugged me.

Y/N got up and quickly walked out of the dorm room, though he collected Weiss's school books?


I was making my way back to my ship after spending the entire day with Weiss, after he left the dorm I didn't see Y/N at all...and Weiss refused to acknowledge him when I asked. When I got out of the dormitories I heard somebody crying, the sound was coming from behind me. It was Y/N who was limping out, when he saw me he looked like he saw a ghost.

Y/N: "Weiss?!? I swear I wasn't trying to leave the dorms" He said as he stumbled back.

Winter: "Y/N it's me, Winter, what's going on" But he didn't seem to have heard me as he was still backing up panicked until he fell over and started crawling back.

Y/N: "P-Please d-don't hit me again, PLEASE" He cried out more and more erratic, he was hyperventilating.

Winter: "Y/N! Y/N! CALM DOWN!!" I cried out, trying to shake him out of it.

He didn't respond to anything I said but just kept on pleading for me to not hit him until he passed out. Now I really knew that something was wrong here, what did Weiss do to him? I picked him up and carried him to my ship, once there I took off his clothes...revealing many scars, burn marks, and fresh wounds still bleeding. It took a good while before I was done patching him up and I just collapsed tiredly on top of him.


When I woke up I felt something moving erratically underneath me, when I opened my eyes I saw it was Y/N who seemed to be on the verge of another panic attack.

Winter: "Y/N it's me, Winter, everything is fine and there is no danger." I said while holding his cheeks.

It seemed to have worked as he slowly came back and his breathing calmed down.

Y/N: "W-Winter?" He asked scared.

Winter: "Yes it's me, you had a bad panic attack last night and passed out, I brought you to my ship and helped you with your injuries." I said while stroking his checks.

Y/N: "I'm s-sorry" He said starting to cry.

Winter: "Hey it's okay, I just need you to tell me what happened" I quickly answered, rubbing the tears away.

Y/N: "W-Weiss...she...she doesn't love me"

Winter: "What?"

Y/N: "S-She at first was how I had always known her, but then I caught her c-cheating on me and since then she started to hit m-me" He said starting to have another breakdown.

Winter: "Hey! Y/N calm down, I'm gonna make sure that you are safe okay?" I said.

I got up from the bed and quickly made my way towards Beacon again, but unfortunately, Weiss had already gone to class when I arrived at her dorm. I quickly went to Ozpin to find out what her classes are.

Ozpin: "Ah Miss. Schnee, I wasn't expecting a visit from you" He said after the elevator opened.

Winter: "I need to find out Weiss's schedule, I have an arrest to make" I replied not willing to wait for small-talk.

Ozpin: "You want to arrest Weiss?!?" He asked almost dropping his coffee mug.

Winter: "Correct, I have evidence that she abused Y/N and therefore is breaking the law"

Ozpin: "I see, and are you entirely sure?" He asked.

Winter: "I will tear through every room to find her if you don't give me her schedule."

Ozpin: "sighs She's currently in Goodwitch's class..." He said as I was already in the elevator.

I quickly marched over there and once at the doors banged them open, I still couldn't believe that Weiss would do something like this and to Y/N of all people!

Glynda: "What do you think you are doing barging into my class like this!" She shouts angered, but I just ignored her.

Winter: "WEISS SCHNEE, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST" I shouted as I got closer to her.

Weiss: "W-What?!? why would you arrest me? you can't just do that?"

Ruby: "Yeah Weiss would never do anything bad" She said.

Winter: "I have all the necessary evidence and witness accounts I need to make this arrest." I said as I roughly grabbed her out of the seat and cuffed her.

Weiss: "LET ME GO!!! WINTER LET ME GO I'M YOUR SISTER!!" She screamed as she tried to get out of my hold.

Glynda: "Is Ozpin aware of this?"

Winter: "He is" I answered dragging Weiss out of class.

Weiss: "WHAT THE FUCK WAS ALL THAT FOR??" She screamed out once we were further away from the classroom.

Winter: "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO Y/N!! CHEATING ON HIM IS ALREADY SICK ENOUGH!! BUT GOING AS FAR TO ABUSE HIM, I NEVER THOUGHT MY OWN BLOOD WOULD DO SUCH VILE AND DISGUSTING THINGS." I screamed in her face, before she could respond I simply knocked her out and continued to my ship.

When Y/N saw me come back with Weiss his eyes went wide and he went back up, but I simply reassured him that nothing bad was going to happen.

Y/N: "W-What are you going to do now?" He asked nervously.

Winter: "Now we are heading to Vale's police headquarters" I replied while starting the ship up.


Weiss didn't stand a chance in court, the evidence was too good for her to ever possibly weasel her way out of this. Not only did Weiss get long prison time, she also got disowned by the Schnee family entirely. What about Y/N?...well after that entire ordeal I went on a vacation and took Y/N with me, unsurprisingly my still lingering old feelings for him from back in the day reignited and we got together. Now we were happily living in Atlas together after getting married...

I sneaked up behind Y/N and wrapped my arms around him, he quickly turned around and kissed me.

Y/N: "Good morning Snowflake~" He greeted cheerfully.

Winter: "Good morning honey, what are you making?"

Y/N: "Just some waffles, how did you sleep?"

Winter: "Pretty good until my sweet husband left~" I said as I started to kiss and suck on his neck.

Y/N: "groans You know me, early-bird as always."

Winter: "Well this early-bird is going to get heated with me after breakfest~" I replied with a smirk, leaving Y/N a blushing mess.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Bat117

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