One Heated Rose - (Ruby X Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: Kimmy77 On Reddit

Requested By: MeowChickaBowPow

Published On: February 6, 2021


She couldn't help but smile and blush at the sight, ogling as he worked out. She was already shaking with tension as her hand went occasionally down to tease herself, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back for much longer.

The man who got Ruby Rose so hot under the collar was none other than Y/N L/N, her boyfriend, and past killer. They have been together for 3 years now, nobody would have thought that they would fit together, but they have quickly become the most infamous couple in Beacon for their devotion to each other alone.


Ruby dropped down from the tree after all the Grimms had perished, the figure fighting the vile monsters turned around when they heard her dropping down.

Ruby: "Are you alright Sir?" She asked as she walked up to him.

Y/N: "I am now that you are here~" He says with a smile that made Ruby blush dark red.

Ruby: "I-I'm Ruby, Ruby R-Rose"

Y/N: "Y/N L/N my dear, I own my life to you, use me as you see fit~" He responds as he drops onto his knees in front of her and looked up with a lust-filled look.

Ruby: "Wait t-the Y/N L/N?" She asks with widened eyes.

Y/N: "The one and only darling~"


They were instantly driven crazy by each other and never separated after that, both of them knew that Y/N could have easily handled the Grimm on his own that day and that Ruby's help only sped up the fight, he only used it as an excuse to come with Ruby and devote himself to her, not that the red-haired huntress would have let him leave from her life anyways.

Y/N used his negotiation skills to convince Ozpin to let him stay at Beacon, becoming essentially Ruby's assistant. Yang tried to hit on Y/N when the new couple came to RWBY's dorm for the first time, Y/N only responded by making out with Ruby in front of them, something that had happened A LOT on their trip back to Beacon. At first, Yang was against their relationship when she found out that Y/N was a retired killer who from a very young age until two years ago killed for the highest bidder, but she was forced to drop her protests when Ruby gave her a very lengthy demonstration of what happens when someone stands in the way of her love.

Y/N: "Oh darling, you know that you don't need to keep yourself pent up like that, I'll always come when you call~" He said looking at his girlfriend shaking in pent-up ecstasy.

Ruby: "Oh come here~" She said as she pulled him into a makeout session.

After a minute of them making out and causing the heads of passersby to turn in their direction, they decide to stop as they hear Ruby's teammates walking up.

Blake: "Hey Ruby, hey Y/N"

Ruby: "Hey guys" She greets still panting from Y/N's attacks on her lips.

Y/N: "So how are things going?"

Weiss: "I spend the morning with Winter, she is currently in Vale due to an investigation into the recent thefts that have been crippling dust shops"

Blake: "I was at a book fair and was able to meet some of my favorite authors, got their autographs as well"

Yang: "Raven actually is trying to reconnect with me, at first I refused, but I decided to give her at least one chance"

Y/N: "Glynda actually offered to adopt me so that I could have an official home."

Weiss: "Wait really?"

Y/N: "Yeah"

Yang: "Wouldn't have expected that from Goodwitch of all people"

Y/N: "The only one that can be my mommy is Ruby~" He said with a half-lidded gaze.

Ruby: "I...I-I" She stammered with a massive blush.

Y/N: "You'll mess me up real good right?~" He asked as he got down on his knees in front of Ruby and hugged her waist, he looked up at her as he bit his lips.

Ruby: "I...I-I........Oh god, come here~" She said giving in to her desires and picking him up before dashing off with her semblance.

Her teammates are still standing there shocked and blushing...

No one in the dorms was spared from hearing a huntress get down with her lover, a lot of moans, slapping, groans, bumps, and creaking was heard...


Team RWBY and JNPR met at their usual table in the cafeteria, everyone was sharing stories of what they did yesterday, the first day of the break.

Pyrrha: "So what have you all done yesterday?" She asked as she sat down with her tray of food.

Blake: "I just relaxed in the dorm, reading my books and such"

Yang: "Went to the theatre, kicked some butt in the arcade, ya know? normal stuff" She said with a proud smirk.

Y/N: "Mommy Ruby made me her's and marked me, she used me real good~" He said as he snuggled up to Ruby.

Everyone looked at him with widened eyes and blushes, it was completely silent. Ruby didn't say anything, she just continued eating as Y/N snuggled into her side like a puppy...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MeowChickaBowPow

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now