Unstoppable Duo - (Ruby X Weiss's Brother Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: Fillumina On DeviantArt

Requested By: Corruptprophet777

Published On: September 3, 2020


I was running through Vale with Y/N in my arms, he was still exhausted from fighting Weiss. You may ask how did we get into this mess? well...

Y/N and I met 8 years ago when we both tried robbing the same store, after getting to know each other we started working together and soon that turned into love and then marriage. His sister Weiss recently contacted him, telling him that she wants to meet after not seeing him for all these years. That bitch betrayed Y/N and captured him, Y/N was so happy that he would finally have a family member in his life again...

After I infiltrated Beacon I ran into Y/N who was already running away from Weiss after breaking out and fighting her, His Aura was shattered and he had a few cuts. I quickly ended the fight for him by cutting the bitch's face.

Now I'm running to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, with an unconscious Y/N in my arms. When I finally got there I went into a secret room in the back and sat Y/N down on a bed. I looked out around for a bit before finding the first aid kit we stashed here, patching Y/N's cuts up.

Y/N: "W-What happened?" He asked as he slowly woke up.

Ruby: "Don't worry darling, I brought you to our warehouse and patched you up" I said laying down beside him.

Y/N: "What happened to-"

Ruby: "The Schnee bitch? I sliced her face, didn't kill her unfortunately but at least it gave us the chance to run." I said cutting him off.

Suddenly we both heard somebody entering the warehouse, peeking my head out of the door I saw it was Weiss.

Ruby: "Aw shit it's the Schnee bitch! lemme handle her, you Aura hasn't recovered yet." I said before walking out of the room and up to Weiss.

Ruby: "You must really want to die coming in here after you betrayed my husband like that" I said as I walked closer and activated Crescent Rose turning it into its scythe mode.

I used my semblance to quickly close the gap and swing my scythe, she tried blocking my strikes but she wasn't strong enough and after a couple of hits reserved herself to just dodging instead. I knew that if I didn't keep my streak of constant attacks up she would get a chance to use her semblance and summon something, my plan was working and soon I have her Aura shattered and her weapon flying out of her hand. I was about to strike her down when...

Winter: "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." I looked over and saw that she was holding her sword to Y/N's neck, that bitch bruised him up as well.

Ruby: "How can you fucking do this to your own brother!" I screamed while still holding my scythe to Weiss's neck.

Winter: "Brother? I only see some criminal scum, now step away from Weiss or else..." She coldly replied as the blade started to dig a little bit into Y/N's neck...drawing a bit of blood.

Enraged at her actions I used my semblance to fly up and swing with my scythe around on the roof's support beams, thanks to the distraction Y/N was able to kick Winter off of him and run away.

Since Winter's focus was now again on Y/N I quickly jumped down from the roof and swung Crescent Rose full-force into her head, making her fly through a window into the back room. It was clear that she wasn't going to last for much longer, just when she was about to attack me again she was shot multiple times by Y/N, enough to shatter her Aura and then once again to injure her for real.

I quickly jumped through the window and stabbed Winter in the heart, ending the miserable bitch's life once and for all.

Weiss: "WINTER!!" She cried out. She tried stumbling over to Myrtenaster, but she was shot in the back of the knee by Y/N.

We both walked over to Weiss and Y/N quickly threw Myrtenaster away, looking down at Weiss with a massive smile.

Y/N: "Look darling, a new toy for us to play with"

Her screams were a pleasure to listen to, it was the most fun night we had in a while...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Corruptprophet777

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now