Preparations - (Ex Bullies Team RWBY X Male Reader X Team CNNV X Team HVEE)

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Vernal Fanart By: Wolf-DavidLoveLL On DeviantArt

Requested By: Latinoheat619619

Published On: October 11, 2020


Y/N L/N was originally going to Beacon to become a huntsmen, but that dream changed when he met Team RWBY who would constantly beat him up and force him to do tasks for them. It got so bad that he attempted suicide, fortunately, his friends Team CNNV and HVEE were able to prevent him from doing so.

After that they took Y/N and together they set off to live in Mistral where they together bought a house and lived in it, together they opened a small bakery that got successful surprisingly quickly. Only after a month of their new life Team RWBY arrived and asked them and begged to let them make it up to Y/N, originally they didn't want to but to their surprise Y/N allowed them in and even to live with them. It didn't take long for all the girls to confess to Y/N, Team CNNV and HVEE already were in love with him since Beacon and RWBY fell in love with him during the time they spend trying to make amends. Whenever any member of Team RWBY was around Y/N they would always treat him like royalty and be very nervous to do anything wrong as they were still filled with guilt over what they did and it's still very apparent even now as they are rushing through the house to prepare everything for Y/N's birthday party.

Elm: "You guys sure got up early" She said looking as the four girls were doing all sorts of activities.

Ruby: "We have to get everything perfect for the party!" She said as she finished wrapping up presents and then took them away to hide them.

Elm: "You guys are sure eager, is there any way I can help?"

Blake: "Not here" She said as she hung the decorations with incredible speed and agility.

Yang: "Not here" She said as she painted some banners.

Weiss: "You can help me with the baking, I have a lot planned so a second set of hands would be very welcome" She said as she put down all the necessary items.

Elm: "Sure! what are we making?"

Weiss: "Four different kinds of cake and some banana bread" She replied.

Elm: "Have you ever baked before, cus I'm not an expect exactly."

Weiss: "Don't worry it isn't hard to learn and we still have plenty of time to get them all done for tomorrow."

While Elm and RWBY were preparing things at home the other girls were still getting gifts as they had been constantly rethinking what to get for Y/N and now they were gonna have to get them last minute, of course, things didn't go without some trouble.

Coco was going through the clothing stores of the mall and was going through every single piece of clothing that was Y/N's size, the store owners thought she was some kind of inspector and were as a result rather nervous and just to be safe gave her HEAVY discounts.

Vernal has already walked through almost the entire mall when suddenly...she spotted the weapons store, once she saw that she immediately ran inside and got straight to business.

When she got out a couple of minutes later she was holding a sword and Gatling gun hybrid made out of only the most expensive, durable, and finest materials in the land.

She wasn't going to get some low-grade trash, she would only get the best for her man.

Harriet went and got Y/N a bunch of games, things went mostly smooth for her except for when she punched one of the staff members when they recommended Fallout 76 of all things to her.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now