Purchased Cuddles - (Harriet X Ace Op Male Reader X Elm)

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Harriet Fanart By: bmblbeaky On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: March 19, 2021


Hell, that's what it feels like at least. I became an Ace Op because I thought that maybe it would make me feel better, maybe I'll even meet new people, it all turned out to be the opposite...

I did meet new people, the other Ace Ops, but they didn't like me and didn't hide it a single bit either. Now my existence is nothing more but going on missions for which I really don't have the drive and then rotting away in my home in Mantle, it really didn't get better after all...

Now I was just laying on my bed again, scrolling through the web mindlessly. I went onto the local news tab to see if anything interesting has happened, when I did I found a curious ad. It was from a woman who offers an "affection service" pay money and they'll come cuddle with you, it looked promising.

Y/N: "I guess it couldn't hurt to try" I muttered as I took my scroll out.

I called the number and waited for a few seconds, just as I was about to hang up it picked up.

???: "Hello?"

Y/N: "Hi, I was calling because of your affection service"

???: "Oh I see, we have spots free for tomorrow if you want"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, for how long would the service be?"

???: "We don't have anyone booked in tomorrow so as long as from 10:00 till 10:00, of course it'll cost a bit more"

Y/N: "How much for that length?"

???: "That would be $55"

Y/N: "Alright I'll take that then, can I transfer the payment now?"

???: "Yep, this line does have EasyPay enabled"

I quickly complete the payment with a few taps on the screen, I have so much money so it isn't an issue anyways.

???: "Alright, the only thing I'll need now is your last name Sir"

Y/N: "It's L/N"

???: "Alright Mr. L/N we'll see you tomorrow then, see you soon"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, See you soon."

I hang up and put my scroll down, I let out a sigh and fall back on my bed. That went much more smoothly than I expected, I thought for sure that my kinda shy nature would fuck this up for me. Truthfully I was pretty nervous as I had never done anything like this, well hopefully it will help.

I take off my shoes and throw them on the ground, I don't even bother with a shower or taking my clothes off. I just got to sleep, hoping tomorrow will be better.


I woke up soo late that I barely had any time to shower and eat before the doorbell went off, my heart went a million miles an hour as I opened the door. I felt like I was hit by a brick, in front of me were the two most beautiful women that I had ever seen. One was slightly taller than average, the other was really tall, taller than me, both were muscular, especially the taller one.

???: "Bree & Elderne Affection Service, here for you Mr. L/N" The shorter one said with a wink that made me blush.

Y/N: "Wow, you two are exactly on time, come on in" I said as stepped to the side.

I recognized the voice of the shorter one from the call yesterday, though I didn't expect for two to come but I certainly wasn't complaining. 

???: "I'm Harriet"

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now