The Green Goddess - (Blake X Male Reader)

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Mallard Painting By: Mark Jeffries

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this)

Published On: September 30, 2020

A Gift To: DarkSoulsDepression


I couldn't believe it! I had rushed over as quickly as I could to the station thinking I had already missed my train only to find it still at the station, but when I tried to get on the conductor told me I couldn't as the train was full!

Now I was just standing on the station platform in the cold morning air, so early the sun hadn't even come out yet, and with no idea how to get home, I stood there helpless.

???: "Excuse me." I heard a male voice behind me say.

I turned around and saw a man my age wearing a driver's uniform and covered from top to bottom in ash and soot.

???: "My name is Y/N" He introduced himself as he took off his cap.

Y/N: "I overheard what happened and I wanted to help, you are headed to Atlas correct?

Blake: "Yes, I'm headed to Atlas" I answered unsure of where he was going with this.

Y/N: "Well you could ride with me, I would have no objection to it." He offered with an inviting smile.

I was floored, never did I think a driver would offer me a ride directly like that.

Y/N: "Of course it would be in the cab, but it wouldn't be that bad and certainly better than getting left behind."

Blake: "You would really do that?" I asked hopefully.

Y/N: "Of course, I'm also heading to Atlas and I don't see why I couldn't let you join in the cab, some company never hurt anybody." He said smiling.

Blake: "Oh thank you Sir!"

Y/N: "No problem, also you can just call me Y/N"

Blake: "My name is Blake." I replied.

Y/N: "Well Miss. Blake, please follow me" He said after doing a bow making me chuckle.

He didn't take me far as he just walked up to the locomotive on the other side of the platform, I couldn't hold in my gasp at the sight of it.

It was 'The Green Goddess' one of the most popular locomotives of all time and one of the infamous A4s, the fastest type of locomotive out there!

Blake: "W-Wow...I didn't think we would go with-"

Y/N: "The Green Goddess? Well, I have been traveling with this girl for years now and It's my personal engine." He said proudly as he patted on the aerodynamic running plate of the engine

Y/N: "Anyways let's get in as I'll have to take off riiiight conductor's whistle now" He said and then opened the door to the cab, he helped me up into it making sure I don't trip.

I couldn't believe it! I was going to ride on one of the infamous A4s or 'The Streaks' of the LNER, one of which even established the new record for rail traction at a 126 MpH! Never did I think I would ride on the highest class locomotive in all of Remnant even if it is in the cab.

Y/N: "You can sit over there as I'll be mostly standing anyways, not to mention I have another seat." He said as he pointed to the two metal seats on each side of the cab.

He unclipped a metal box from underneath the other seat and took out a coat as he held it over to me.

Y/N: "Please put this over yourself so you won't get yourself and your clothes covered by any of the dirt, ash, soot, and what else."

Blake: "But your coat..." I said as I hesitantly took it

Y/N: "Ahh don't worry, I wouldn't want you to get dirty and I can always clean it later on" He said with a smile as he dismissed my worry.

Not long after I stepped on board, we set off, we even left the station earlier than the train I was originally going to ride with. It was amazing to see Y/N at work driving the train as we rumbled across the rails at well over 100 MpH, the streaks weren't called record-breakers for nothing! It was a very eye-opening and exhilarating experience that only improved by the friendliness of Y/N, we got to know each other better and he shared some stories of his times on the rails as he had traveled all over the place. Never did I think missing out on my train would get me into this amazing experience.

What was amazing was Y/N's ability to singlehandedly control the locomotive to a perfectional degree, he did both the job of a driver AND fireman without any help needed. It was clearly hard work but he didn't complain but loved it, it was obvious that he was doing what he truly loved.

After 5 hours of travel filled with much joy and laughter, we arrived at Atlas Central Yard Station, Y/N pulled the train up to the station platform as smooth as butter.

Y/N: "And there we are! Atlas Central Yard Station! I must say I never before had this much fun driving the ole Goddess, It was really nice to travel with you Ms. Blake" He said with a smile as we both got off the cab and onto the station platform.

Blake: "I cannot thank you enough for letting me ride with you in the cab, it was an amazing experience and I had a lot of fun!" I said excitedly.

Y/N: "No need to thank me, I couldn't possibly leave you there, especially not with that heartbreaking frown you had, everyone deserves to be able to travel home no matter what." He replied with that amazing smile of his.

Blake: "Here, this way we'll stay in contact" I said as I gave him my scroll number.

Y/N: "W-Wow...I'll make su-" He was cut off by the whistle of the conductor and he looked over to the timetable above the platform.

Y/N: "Well I'm sorry to cut this short Ms. Blake but I'll have to keep to the timetable and depart now, but I'll make sure to call you!" He said with a smile.

Blake: "Just call me Blake and I'll make sure we meet again" I said as I hugged him tightly and then kissed him on the cheek, not caring about all the soot and ash on him, after today I think he earned it.

He looked surprised and even under all the dirt you could see his dark red blush, he then took off his glove and carefully rubbed off the soot now on my lips from the kiss.

Y/N: "I'll definitely make sure to call!" He said with a smile before putting his glove back on and moving back into the cab.

Blake: "Happy travels! and make sure to stick to the timetable!" I called over cheekily.

Y/N: "I'm always on time, and the ole girl can make up for the lost time." He called out as he slowly moved the engine forward.

Blake: "See you Y/N!" I shouted out as I waved to him.

Y/N: "See you soon Blake! and have a lovely day!" He shouted back as he waved with his cap back.

And with a couple of loud toots of the whistle, The Green Goddess set off for another high-speed run across Remnant's rails.

They were right...railways really are magical...and romantic...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thank you for your amazing writing DarkSoulsDepression - You guys should check him out! (He also write RWBY oneshots)

In this universe LNER - doesn't stand for London North Eastern Railway

but rather for Lydon North Eastern Railway after its founder Rydon Lydon and the fact it was originally established in the northeastern part of Mistral.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now