It Isn't Fair - (Pyrrha X Sacrificed Male Reader X Ruby)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: Acquanima On DeviantArt

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: August 21, 2021


Nothing felt real, nothing has for several weeks now...

Beacon University has been closed for weeks now, with no students or teachers around as it was absolutely quiet. The entrance wasn't accessible as the way was blocked with lit candles and flowers, placed there by students, faculty, and local residents alike.

At the heart of the torment and despair that went through the area were two women, their minds clouded and their hearts empty. They were stuck in an endless spiral of memories, their own internal safe havens, trying to both torture and heal them at the same time...


Y/N: "Is she doing it again?"

Ruby: "Yep, she's doing it again"

They were both watching Pyrrha from behind the doorframe as she was singing while vacuuming the living room. Every time either of them tried to point this out to Pyrrha she denied that she had sung anything, telling them that she had never done so in her entire life.

Y/N: "This is gold" He whispers as he got his scroll out and started recording.

Ruby just continued to watch, she thought that Pyrrha's singing was pretty good. She had sung herself plenty of times, especially because Y/N loves hearing her voice, not to mention how they would always sing along to the radio while cleaning or driving.

Ruby almost jumped when she was pulled out of her thoughts by a loud bang, Pyrrha had dropped the hose of the vacuum cleaner when she noticed Y/N recording her.

Y/N: "Now I have evidence!" He says as he starts playing it back.

Pyrrha doesn't say anything and just hides her blushing face behind her hands, Y/N pulls her hands away and gives her a passionate kiss.

Y/N: "Don't worry I won't show it to anyone, I just find it really beautiful and cute when you sing, you have a really attractive voice after all"

Pyrrha: "R-Really?" She asks still bright red.

Y/N: "Yeah, I would love to hear it more often, and we could even sing together!"

Pyrrha: "I-I would like that..."

Happy to hear that, Y/N hugs Pyrrha tightly and spins her around, Ruby quickly joins in and picking up Y/N...


Pyrrha was never a morning person, Ruby in comparison just needed a bit of a push while Y/N could practically wake up at any time, no matter how little he slept. He thought sleepy Pyrrha was really cute, so he didn't mind it, instead, he helped her.

Y/N: "Wakey wakey Pyrrha, we'll have to leave soon" He whispered.

Grunting annoyed Pyrrha slowly opened her eyes and started stretching, Y/N was standing in front of her with a full tray of food and a freshly made coffee. Ruby was sitting on the other side of the bed and was already eating, she wished Pyrrha a good morning despite her mouth being full.

Pyrrha: "I'll never understand how you can wake up this early and then always make breakfast for us, don't you ever get tired of it?" She asks as she starts eating.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now