Pranks On Love Rival (NOT CLICKBAIT) - (Yang X Male Reader X Nora)

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Nora Fanart By: Kimmy77 On Reddit

Requested By: Latinoheat619619

Published On: November 20, 2020


Y/N has recently arrived at Beacon as a transfer from Vacuo, he would often spend his free time with either Yang and or Nora, he got along with them very well and they became friends almost immediately the moment he entered the academy. Nora and Yang had developed feelings for Y/N and were intending on confessing, or at least that was the original plan. Everything changed for the two girls once they found out that they both were in love with Y/N, their friendship quickly turning into a rivalry, a fierce rivalry. Neither was willing to back down and so it became a matter of outsmarting each other, they decided to have a prank war, whoever would give up would lose while the other person gets Y/N.

And with that came the prank war, a prank war that went too far...


Nora: "WHO PUT GLUE INTO MY PANCAKES?!?" She cries out as she starts puking all over.

Ruby: "Oh god! don't worry, I'll get the nurses!" She says before rushing off in a storm of rose pedals.

Blake: "Who would do something so messed up!?!" She asks looking horrified.

Y/N: "Whoever did it is gonna get a stern talking to!" He says with anger as he rubs Nora's shoulder as she was sitting on the ground.

Nobody noticed Yang walking away from the scene, she got what she wanted but was still jealous of Nora getting all of Y/N's attention.


Yang: "AHHHH!!!" She screams from the bathroom making her teammates jump up in surprise.

Ruby: "Sis are you okay!?!" She asks as she bangs against the bathroom door.

Yang: "Someone switched out my shampoo, I'm having an allergy attack!"

Ruby: "Oh god I'll get the nurses!" She cries out as she once again rushes off.


Both Yang and Nora were in the training room, neither expecting what was about to happen.

Yang activated Ember Celica and took a shot, too late did she realize that someone had replaced the ammo in her gauntlets with gravity dust, Yang goes flying back and hits the wall resulting in her aura shattering immediately.

Nora was firing some rockets when she was thrown back as well, she also hit the wall and had her aura shattered. Both girls had injured each other with the same trick...


Y/N entered the training room when he saw Yang and Nora screaming at each other, it was clear that they were about to snap. Y/N couldn't believe that they are already fighting despite the fact that they just recently got out of the infirmary.

NORA: "AT LEAST I'M NOT SOME FUCKING BIMBO" She cries out as she prepares to swing at Yang.

Yang: "YOU FUCKING BITCH" She cries out as her eyes turn red and she activates Ember Celica.

Y/N used his semblance to move them back as he ran in between them.

Y/N tried to intervene but it was already too late, Yang had already fired and Nora was in the middle of swinging her hammer.

Yang's bullets hit him in the back as Nora's hammer connects with his chest, Y/N goes flying as he hits several pieces of workout equipment before hitting the wall and dropping down. Both girls ran over to him and checked him all over, he had several cuts, broken leg, arm, and nose.

Yang: "OH GOD WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?!" She asks as she starts to tear up.

Nora: "Come on we have to get him to the nurses!" She says shaking Yang's shoulder.

They both carefully pick him up and start running to the infirmary.


Both girls were now sitting on a bed looking down in guilt, Y/N was towering over them with a judging gaze.

Y/N: "What in the world could drive you two to almost kill each other with "pranks", what could possibly destroy your friendship like this?" He asks as he walks back and forth.

Yang and Nora mumble something but it was way too quiet and muffled, they repeat it when Y/N doesn't respond.

Y/N: "You need to speak up!" He says looking annoyed.

Yang+Nora: "IT'S YOU" they cry out before looking away embarrassed.

Y/N: "W-What?..." He asks completely taken off guard.

Yang: "W-We both love you and we did the prank war to see who would date you..."

Nora: "Whoever would give up would lose and the winner gets to date you."

Y/N just stares at them in disbelief, he then sits down in between the two girls forcing them to move to the side.

Y/N: "Okay first off, you should have just confessed to me, second, I couldn't possibly choose between you two because I love you both." He said surprising the two girls.

Y/N: "Now I don't expect you girls to share me, it would be pretty selfish of me, but I can't choose one and disappoint the other" He explained.

He was about to get up from the bed when both girls pulled him down onto the bed, before Y/N can say anything they take his shirt off and kiss him all over.

Yang: "We're sorry for how we acted, we'll share you."

Nora: "Yea, and we'll make it up to you" She said as she unbuttons his pants.

Y/N: "But I don't have a condom"

Yang+Nora: "We know~"

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Latinoheat619619

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