Safe In My Arms - (Protective Nora X Male Reader)

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Nora Fanart By: ADSouto On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: March 28, 2021


Y/N: "Goddammit! I always have the worst luck" He laughs.

Y/N and I were once again spending an evening playing Uno, unlike most couples however our relationship does not get destroyed by it. He usually didn't have good luck when it came to this game, yet he still loves to play it with me anyways.

Nora: "Here comes another!" I say as I put down ANOTHER skip.

We were both laughing so much, when I was finally able to control my laughter I noticed that Y/N had stopped. When I looked up my blood ran cold, Y/N was staring at me with dead unmoving eyes as his bloody stub had his blood run all over the table.

Y/N: "It hurts hurts" He says in a pained voice.

I jerk up gasping for air, once I finally calm down I immediately look Y/N up and down. He was still just sleeping and clinging to me, being his usual cute self. With a sigh of relief, I lay back down and hug him tightly to myself.

It's been two years now and I still can't get that out of my mind, it feels like it'll never stop haunting me. His screams of agony, the feeling of his blood splashing onto my face. I wish we never went on that mission, if we stayed home just like we intended originally everything would have been fine, Y/N wouldn't have been hurt...

Y/N: "ARRGGGGGH" He screams out he falls to his knees.

His scream, the sight of his arm laying on the ground, his blood splattering onto my face, I didn't know how to react, what to think.

Cinder: "You should've taken the chance to run when you had it" She says smirking.

The sight of her smirk sends me over the edge, I clutch Magnhild tightly and run up to her.

Never in my life had I been so angry, so intent on killing...

The sight of Y/N on his knees, in agony, reminded me of Ren before he died, I wasn't going to let history repeat itself. I wasn't going to let someone take everything from me once more, this time it'll be reversed.

I picked Y/N up as gently as I could and started running to the evac point, he looked up at me weakly. My grip tightened on him when he looked, I couldn't find any hope in those eyes. He tried to put his remaining hand up on my cheek, but he was too weak.

Nora: "Safe you're strength darling, you're going to make it" I said before kissing him on the fore head.

Y/N: "W-Where is Cinder?"

Nora: "That doesn't matter right now, she won't hurt you anymore"

He didn't need to know about Cinder's mutilated corpse, there was no need to put any more stress on his mind.

I look over at the remains of Magnhild, it broke from training too hard. I kept the pieces as they reminded me of how I succeeded in making myself stronger after what happened, to make sure that something like that was never going to happen again. I reached my hand down under the bed and gripped the handle of my new weapon for reassurance, I smiled and hugged Y/N again.

No one was going to hurt my Y/N...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting HopeTheAssassin

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now