Red Like Love - (Cheater WBY X Male Reader X Ruby)

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Ruby Fanart By: manu-chann On Reddit

Requested By: Muhaps

Published On: February 25, 2021


Ruby: "Y-Y/N?" She asked crying as she stepped into the room.

She had to apologize for what she said, she ha-


The letters on the floor were barely visible in the dark as they were blocked by her shadow, dried into the carpet.

Besides it was Y/N slumped against the side of the bed, his head facing the other way. Slowly Ruby went over and touched his chin, she turned his head an-

Ruby: "N-No...NO!!!" She cried out shaking.

His dead, unmoving eyes stared right back at her, his skin already pale. She looked away at the ground only to be met by the sight of his slit wrist, its final resting place inside a massive puddle.

Ruby: "gasp Oh...f-fuck, it...i-it was just a dream..." She panted shaking.

She looks around the room as she gathered her thoughts, her heart was able to calm down, her mind however wasn't. She quickly got up and dressed before getting out of the dorm quickly, she had to see her Y/N after a dream like that.

She ran over to Y/N's dorm, she stepped inside as she was his girlfrie-

Y/N was laying on his bed, his wrists bleeding. When he saw his girlfriend he looked away, crying even harder, Ruby ran over and quickly put pressure on his wound.

Ruby: "W-Why...why Y/N, why?!" She cried out as she forced him to look at her.

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry, I just..."

Ruby: "Just what?!? what could drive you to do something like...THIS!!"

Y/N: "I-I was out and ran into Weiss, Blake, and Yang, they have been cheating on me for months..." He choked out shaking.

Ruby just looked at him in disbelieve, how could they do this to him?! Y/N did so much for them over the last three years, he never stopped until he saw their smiles that he valued so much. Ruby couldn't believe it, these three, these fucking whores, she was disgusted to be on the same team as them...

Ruby: "We're leaving!" She said as she pulled him up.

Y/N: "What?"

Ruby: "I said we're leaving, I'm not having my man reside in toxic surroundings."

Y/N: "B-But where would we go?"

Ruby: "I have A LOT of money saved, we'll go to a hotel for the time being and browse for a house at a later date."

Y/N: "Okay, then-"

Ruby: "I'll pack your stuff, you need to get your wrist patched up." She said taking him out of the dorm as she temporarily wraps his wrist.


Ruby was walking to her dorm, she had finally gotten Y/N relaxed enough to sleep. Now she was on a personal mission while he rested, she was going to make sure Y/N wouldn't get hurt again.

She took out her scroll and looked at her team's group chat, they fell right for it...

Yang: "Thanks Sis, with your help we'll be sure to work it out with Y/N."

Blake: "Yeah."

Ruby: "No problem."

Weiss: "We're at the dorm now."

Ruby: "I'll be there in a moment."

She wasn't even in the dorm yet and already could she hear her team talking, especially her sister, talking loudly as always.

Yang: "Hey Sis!" She greeted cheerfully, as if she didn't just cheat on Y/N.

Ruby: "Hey..." She replied, not even trying to act happy.

Ruby looked at each of them, none of them had their weapons on them, they were all put away.

Ruby: "I don't know how you thought you could do that to my Y/N, how you could push him to almost kill himself..." She said in a low tone.

Yang: "WHAT?!"

Weiss: "H-He did what?"'

Blake: "This can't be re-"

Ruby: "But I'm not letting it happen again..." She said as she got out Crescent Rose and shot each of them with lightning dust.

As the three of them fly back and crumple on the floor Ruby shoots them again, again, and again, until their Auras shatter, once that was done she puts Crescent Rose into Scythe mode.

Weiss: "W-Why?" She asks weakly as they all twitch.

Ruby: "You hurt my man..." She snarled at her.

She swung and cut Weiss in half, once that was done she walks over to Yang. Her sister wasn't even responsive but just twitching from all the lightning dust attacks, without a chance to defend herself she got cut in half as well. Blake seemed to recover from the shock just as Ruby swung at her, she tried to move but was also cut in half.

Ruby: "sigh Time to get rid of them, can't be late for my date with Y/N." She muttered looking at the clock.


The bodies were long forgotten as she was in the arms of her Y/N, they were just sitting on a bench looking at the sea after their date. They went to a small restaurant close to the docks, Ruby treated him to his favorite dish and then some nice dessert, now she was going to finish it with a little something she had gotten prior...

Ruby: "This date was amazing..." She told him getting up from the bench.

Y/N: "Yeah." He agreed, confused why she got up.

She got down on her knee and opened a small box, Y/N looked at her shocked. Ruby just smiled and steeled her nerves to not stumble over her words out of excitement.

Ruby: "These last three years you have shown me what it really means to be alive, without you I'm incomplete. Y/N L/N, will you marry me?"

Y/N: "Y-Yes!" He shouted as he hugged her tightly.

Ruby puts the ring on his finger after he puts her down, they take a moment to admire the ring before kissing. The world around them fading away, they don't separate until the need for air forces them to.

Ruby: "I love you."

Y/N: "I love you too."

Ruby: "I can't wait to be called Ms. L/N."

Y/N: "Neither can I."

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Muhaps

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